Silly Halloween Song!
We love Halloween, it's our favorite night
Silly, kooky, fun surprises give us such a fright

I love Halloween, it's my favorite night
Making all the decorations, making them just right

We love Halloween, it's our favorite night
Getting goofy and so crafty, it's a silly sight

I love Halloween, it's my favorite night
Filling bags for trick-or-treaters, fill them up just right

We love Halloween, it's our favorite night
With surprises for our friends, they'll love every bite

I love Halloween, it's my favorite night
Carve a jack-o-lantern face, carve it up just right

We love Halloween, it's our favorite night
Goofy ghosts and mummies, smiling in the light

We love Halloween, it's our favorite night
Silly, kooky, fun surprises give us such a fright