Bangers Only & Braden Ross
Prison Letter
I have no clue why I'm even writing you back after all the shit you talked about me in your letter and all the negativity expressed. But what's crazy is all the shit you talked, you still asked me for my autograph! Makes no sense! But I doubt you really gave me your real address and doubt this is even your real name! If this was even your real name and real address you are way more dumb than you were describin [sic] me to be! If you really think I'm a killer and that dangerous, or a gang banger you would never give me your real address because I could easily send my "so called thugs" as you mentioned I chill with to your house and what would happen then doesn't need to be explained. But that's not me! So before you talk crazy to people you should make sure you don't give your address because with others, it may actually be dangerous.
And how could you think so terribly of me and at the end ask for my autograph? That must mean you still like me some! You are cooked up! And honestly I don't care what you or anyone thinks cuz I know who I am and what all you fake fans who was easily convinced by the media could all follow the instructions following this sentence and I'll give you a few different ways:
1) Tie a cinderblock to your ankles and jump in a deep body of water!
2) Make a noose, tie it from the railing of a second level staircase, put your neck through it, make sure it's very tight and jump!
(I prefer #3) Buy the most powerfall [sic] firecracker in the world that's possible to buy, tie it to your face with duct tape, light it and wait for your head to explode.
Point being, I could care less what you think but I had to respond to you because you were dumb enough to talk crazy, give me an address, and lastly, actually ask for my autograph! You're one of a kind. And No I don't give a fuck about this new case because I'll never get a fair trial cuz the bumb ass media, so how do I have a chance? I have amazing lawyers whom I love to death but why even have evidentuary [sic] hearings when whether thrown out or not it's all over the TV. Fuck the case, fuck the DA, and fuck the media, and fuck you! Innocent til proven guilty my ass! How could you be a fan of the last DA, the main one looks like a bitch, looks like he's on his last days with his anorexic skeleton lookin ass. He will get his in life, what goes around comes around in life. You, as well as them think I'm stressin but I'm good and will always be good as long as my loved ones are okay!
Anyways, yes, I actually could watch TV and the games; I have a Tv in my cell! And yes I still root for my squad and still love all the ones I loved. The closest I was with was probably Brady in whom I love to death and always will and only hope the best for them. But was cool with Julez, Branch (I fucked with and got mad love for) and "The Best TE ever to walk on a football field" Gronk! I could go on for a while but many prolly switched on me like you and the rest of the fake no loyalty havin motha fuckas in the world but my love for them will never change. And fake ass non loyal Kraft who told me he loved me everytime he seen me but obviously shows his word ain't shit. But my love was real and still love all them cuz I'm not a phony like many of them! But I watch every game faithfully cheering them on and always will cuz I have love for so many of them!
Well, if you followed the instructions I gave you or plan on it go for #3, seems the most fun!!! Or if your [sic] a fighter try the cinderblocks and you'll be one of the first to hit the bottom of the ocean unless you explode from the pressure but that seems fun too! Well here's your autograph you wierdo [sic]! I hope you had the best of holidays but next time don't give me your address cuz the shit you said may have the next one you send shit like that too might really be dangerous: BLATT!
Aaron Hernandez
2 chains - 1 big chopper