Naethan Apollo
Scene 5: Nap Time
Apollo: *yawns* Oh man, it's gettin' late, these night watches kick my ass. How you feelin' Arthur? Tired?
Arthur: Never.
Apollo: Never? Okay. That's the new lie we're workin' with? Yeah, let me write that down next to "No fond memories," huh? What's next? You gonna tell me you don't poop?
Arthur: I don't.
Apollo: *laughs* Hold on, was that a joke? Ho ho! Those walls are breaking down! I knew you'd warm up to me!
Arthur: If you're truly tired, you can rest for a short while. And then I can enjoy some peace and quiet. If only just for a brief moment.
Apollo: *yawns* I tell you what, you drive a hard bargain, but I'm in. Wake me up in, like, thirty minutes though. Then we can trade off, and you can get some rest.
Arthur: I'll be fine.