Sushi Soucy
Cryptid Hunt
Have you ever noticed from the dusk to the dawn
When you’re sitting in your house with the lights still on
That there’s something outside of your window that creeps
And sometimes you swear that you clearly hear weeping?

Well we’re here to tell you that that’s what we’re looking for
You say you don’t believe and yet you cower and you lock your door
My friend don’t even worry about it, it’ll be fine
We’ll take care of everything, no need to lose your mind

Cryptid hunt
We’re gonna catch ourselves a monster
Our beliefs are the only needed sponsor
So we’ll just wait
With hook and bait
Stay into the night and then even later into the morning
So heed the warning
This’ll be great

Do you ever feel like somebody is watching you
And you’re becoming less sure of what is and isn’t true
Everything’s confusing and you’re becoming terrified
And yet you’re not exactly sure as to what the reason why is
Maybe it’s because of a conspiracy of ours
That there are creatures that can cause humanity’s sanity to go sour
There are a million tiny people in the wide and weary world
And with every person’s mind a new reality is unfurled

Cryptid hunt
We’re gonna catch ourselves a monster
Our beliefs are the only needed sponsor
So we’ll just wait
With hook and bait
Stay into the night and then even later into the morning
So heed the warning
This’ll be great

[SOLAR (spoken)]
You know, guys, maybe this isn’t such a good idea
I mean, what if they don’t want to be caught?

WANT to be caught?

(All laugh)

Look everyone, we’ve got ourselves a little dreamer
Why don’t you take a dose of coffee with your cup of creamer? You get absolutely nothing from your childish state of mind
If you take a look around you, then I am sure that you with find that
The world grew up without you, kid

So are you gonna catch up or are you gonna keep on staring at the stars like an idiot
We’re past that phase
So maybe it’s high time to come out from your dreamy haze and join our

Cryptid hunt
We’re gonna catch ourselves a monster
Our beliefs are the only needed sponsor
So we’ll just wait
With hook and bait
Stay into the night and then even later into the morning
So heed the warning
This’ll be great