Sushi Soucy
Work is My Life
Firstly, the song is a story
Make it a verse, maybe two
Sing about a journey being taken
That'll do

Next you must add "dies irae"
Look it up if you don't know
Add the word "revive" and then
You should be all good to go

Wish me good luck with my writing
It shouldn't be all that hard
I should be finished this week
If I play the right cards

I should just sit down and focus
Only two verses, that's easy
Trust my other members to fully support
And aid me

Work is my life
Perfection is my aim
Slowly but surely I will make
Those around me feel the same
'Cause the sky is only so high
I'd say it's halfway to the top
I'm gonna keep going
'Cause I nevеr learned how to stop

[MARLY, spoken]
Hey, Calypso! How's thе writing going?

[CALYPSO, spoken]
Good, good. Great even! I still can't believe Azathoth is real, you know?

[MARLY, spoken]
Oh, me either.​
I used to be obsessed with Lovecraftian lore when I was eleven. I'm kinda fan-girling but I'm kinda freaking out too.​

[CALYPSO, spoken]
Really? Me too.​ I used to love Cthulu in middle school. I used to wanna go to Miskatonic. You think all the crazy shit he wrote about actually happened there?

[MARLY, spoken]
It's likely. If Azathoth is real, then who knows what kind of messed up stories are also true, y'know?

[CALYPSO, spoken]
True, true! Yeah, very true.​

Work is my life
Perfection is my aim
Slowly but surely I will make
Those around me feel the same
'Cause the sky is only so high
I'd say it's halfway to the top
I'm gonna keep going
'Cause I never learned how to stop

[BOBBY, spoken]
Alright, Calypso! Whatcha got for us?

[CALYPSO, spoken]
I'm actually pretty excited about this one, it's called "Azathoth's Requiem!"

Go to sleep, now

[BOBBY, spoken]
No. No, sorry kid, that's not gonna cut it. You can't start out just saying "Go to sleep," The song is supposed to be a story

[CALYPSO, spoken]
It is a story
That's just the first part
I figured that since it was a lullaby-

[BOBBY, spoken]
Nope. You gotta go straight into the story. Do some re-writing and come back
For now we'll just practice some songs we already know
[SIMON, spoken]
Hey, Calypso
I was thinking that, for the song—
Never mind, sorry

[CALYPSO, spoken]
No, please, what were you gonna say?

[SIMON, spoken]
Nothing. Sorry

This is a little bit harder
Than I had anticipated
It'll be a challenge to steer clear of
Being dead

All of my band mates are stubborn
All except Marly, God bless her
How do I round up my friends?
They are, so hard to herd

But work is my life
Perfection is my aim
Slowly but surely I will make
Those around me feel the same

'Cause the sky is only so high
I'd say it's halfway to the top
I'm gonna keep going
'Cause I never learned how to stop

[CALYPSO, spoken]
Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
Guys, what are you doing?

[SIMON, spoken]
Xander did something really nice for me because he's an asshole!

[CALYPSO, spoken]

[SIMON, spoken]
He knows I fucking hate it when people do nice things for me.—

[CALYPSO, spoken]

[SIMON, spoken]
Because! Then I have to repay their kindness!
I hate owing things to people
This dickhead knows that
And he keeps trying to do nice things for me to piss me off!

[XANDER, spoken]
That's ridiculous, Simon. I'm only trying to be a good teammate!

[SIMON, spoken]
Bullshit. I'm not an idiot, dude! I saw that little smile, you can barely even contain yourself

[CALYPSO, spoken]
Okay guys! Calm down!
This problem can be solved PRETTY easily!
What can you do to repay Xander, Simon?

[SIMON, spoken]
No. No, absolutely not. I have to end the cycle.—

[CALYPSO, spoken]
How come?

[SIMON, spoken]
I don't wanna have to keep doing nice things for him
Every time he buys me ice cream or whatever!

[CALYPSO, spoken]
And what's so bad about that? Suck it up, man!
The two of you being nice to each other
Isn't the catastrophe you think it is!

[XANDER, spoken]
Yeah, Simon. Why don't you suck it up man? And try being nice for once

[SIMON, spoken]
Shut the fuck up. Fine, come on, I'll give you some tips on the guitar

[XANDER, spoken]
I don't need any tips, especially not from you—
O-Okay, show me what you got

We're working on our coordination
I pray that I'm getting through to them
I am discovering their issues
And where they stem

I think they're learning to trust me
That is such goddamn good news
But it's been almost a month
And I've got no time left to lose

I can see your fingers, calloused and worn
Nails been torn
It's like you have been playing for years
That's how it appears

So you're already halfway there
Just work on your strumming

Lean into the thrumming
Of the rhythm pervading the air

See look
You're improving
You're great!
You're improving!

Work is my life
Perfection is my aim
Slowly but surely I will make
Those around me feel the same

'Cause the sky is only so high
I'd say it's halfway to the top
I'm gonna keep going
'Cause I never learned

How to stop