Pupil Slicer
Collective Unconscious
I stood before the storm
The typhoon of enmity, internal and external
Was the only path
There was no return
The pain was burned into my memory
And so I wandered
I wandered
Ignorance breeds extremity, inaction ends lives
Frame the vulnerable as the aggressor
The victim becomes the perpetrator
Conditioned from childhood into this faith
Reluctance to understand
An outlook that's bred from fear
Rеsultant dissociation, detached from the physical
An outsidеr looking in
The only way to survive is to not live
Resultant dissociation, detached from the physical
I'd hope things would be different if we began again
Easy to be dismissed as irrelevant
When you become the object of ridicule
Resultant dissociation, detached from the physical
I'd hope things would be different if we began again
As the world began to fade
I longed for the time where no one had to die
I remembered a time when I knew how to cry
I remembered a time when I knew how to cry