Phantasmagoria Cosmos
Beyond the iridescent reverie
Only ashen nihil awaits
Taste with me of the forbidden fruit
But speak not of its rotten core

Opalescent incantation
Warps a heart pure as driven snow
Never Never
Never again to see this pallid reality

Lustrous glow, shining in the depths
Ever intoxicating
Wake me not
Let me stay like this forevermore

Running rampant through my mind
The shade ever darkening
Never to fade
Tincture of the cosmos

Over the rainbow, only the grave

Nacreous undertow
Purest thoughts twisting out of shape
The future of this detestable sphere
Unknown unknown
Lustrous glow, shining in the depths
Ever intoxicating
Wake me not
Let me stay like this forevermore

Running rampant through my mind
The shade ever darkening
Never to fade
Tincture of the cosmos

Roiling, resounding
Unceasing voice of madness
Leaving sanity behind
Along with my tears

Ominous portents arising
Never to be reversed
Like a kaleidoscope
Refracting endlessly

Over the rainbow, only the grave