RawRz in The CLUb
Pr3tty P1nk B0w, With A Bl4ck DreSS
Sn1ffing C0c4ine, G3tting Undre55ed
L-L-Lets do my oxy's Ik U w4nt Th1s :3
I like getting FucKed Up TrYna B3 DEAD 0H!

M3TH4MPHET4MINE in MY FucKing Br4in
AnD IM t4king aLL th3se DrUgz th4t im g0ing INSANE
AnD shE gonNa 4Sk m3 2 fUcK b1tCh st4y in ur L4ne
4nD 1m CUTTIng 0n mY wr1sT jUst s0 i C4n f33l s0me p4in

Tr1st4n yeahh th4t be Th4t Br0!! *fax*
Sn0rting C0ke in ClUb W3 keep iT 0n low
Sw1tChBlade On M3 g1ve m3 br4in l1ke a Z0mbi3
P0st3d 1n th clUb with the SceNe GuRlzzz 0n m3

YeaHH yeAHhh
Sc3ne girLz 0n m3
Yeah 1 ik th4t b1tCH sh3's a fiend f0r the m0lly
PuLL uP 2 th3 p4rty
Yeah 1 ik th4t b1tCH sh3's a fiend f0r the m0lly

I d0nt thinK yoU l0ve m3
I c4n't f1nd mY raZ0r
Bl00dy N0Ses BuT im 4lwaYz makIn P4peR
SippinG alc0hol y0u sh0uld prob4bly c4ll me l8r
HAHAHA Just kidding aLLigat0r
Yeah I dont really give a fuck about any of you now
Me and Senko r on the beat and were making a banger right now
Hahaha *ALSO SHOUTOUT TR1ST4N* xxxxo
YeaH fucK yOU f4ke Fuckz

Pr3tty P1nk B0w, With A Bl4ck DreSS
Sn1ffing C0c4ine, G3tting Undre55ed
L-L-Lets do my oxy's Ik U w4nt Th1s :3
I like getting FucKed Up TrYna B3 DEAD 0H!

M3TH4MPHET4MINE in MY FucKing Br4in
AnD IM t4king aLL th3se DrUgz th4t im g0ing INSANE
AnD shE gonNa 4Sk m3 2 fUcK b1tCh st4y in ur L4ne
4nD 1m CUTTIng 0n mY wr1sT jUst s0 i C4n f33l s0me p4in

Tr1st4n yeahh th4t be Th4t Br0!! *fax*
Sn0rting C0ke in ClUb W3 keep iT 0n low
Sw1tChBlade On M3 g1ve m3 br4in l1ke a Z0mbi3
P0st3d in thE CluB with th4 SceNe GuRlzzz 0n m3