Gold Gee
Like a Charm
Give me more than hope
Of this I'm running low
Home is more people
Any fucking place
This is taking back
This is making up
For every last second
Unrequited love
I've carried this long like a charm

Fuck the drab
Fuck the dreary
Fuck world weary
Today is a means to an end
Tomorrow the hinge on which my hope swings
And I know (I know)
I'll always thaw out if ever I'm cold
And I know (I know)
There's nothing more honest than hope

I'd sweat bullets to come home
Reclaim the place where I'm sure
Drift into nothing
Sinking into everything
Should be nothing other than it is
Nerves and frayed edges
Tough to resist
I've carried this long like a charm
But if this is all I'm grateful for
If this is it
I'll smile and be reborn for less of the selfish bliss
Of your company
And everything you've done for me