Hey i saw wolfychu the other day i was so happy i thought
I would die then i tought maybe i should make a WOLFYCHU FAN
CLUB yes yes yes then i saw paragraph_keet i was upset i almost wanted her to go away...then i told my mom and dad and i said PARAGRAPH_KEET STOLED MY IDEA so i tryed to keep wolfychu to
Myself i dont want her to have wolfychu or talk to her
Cause im a huge fan of wolfychu and i would die if i meet her again
I can replay the image over and over and i would think maybe
Wolfychu likes me moooorrrre i really hope she would text me so i
Wanted everyone to know LETS MAKE A WOLFYCHU FAN CLUB fans out there want to do the same thing we all can be in one but paragraph_keet and Candy_fox i like to be in one but not with them
And i can't belive wolfychu think there nice cause ther NOT
LETS MAKE A WOLFYCHU FAN CLUB whos in there can be room for 2
Even 3 trust me we got room for everyone but the other 2 lets make a WOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLFFFFFFFFFFFFYYYYYY FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNCLUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUB im going to die or scream if wolfychu dont like this cause she..................likes........................me.....................................................................................MOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE