1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9...lost in counting the mistakes I've made, lost in the torture of every single day im alone in this life no one to call my own, i just need to find a home. My dreams always have been crushed by the nightmare everybody calls sucks without her and im wishing she was here laughing with me again, i used to be a happy person now thats all changed im always shrouded in darkness! life is a disaster i can't find her anywhere where'd she go? its driving me crazy im all alone no one to call my own.... i have one close friend and the fakers too taking pity on me because of my depression "oh boo hoo your so sad and alone so i'll be your friend but not really its just pretend" the only thing that can distract me is gaming and youtube i pretend im busy when someone wants to hang out but only because i'll disappoint them with all my strange ideas about life and death and other things i can't find rhymes so i usually just give up but this time i'll try maybe she'll help me and bring me out of this hole i have to make imaginary friends to keep my sanity under control!!! I CANT TAKE THE FACT THAT SHES GONE AND ALL I CAN DO IS MAKE A CRAPPY SONG!!!! shes gone...shes gone...shes gone...shes gone...SHES GOOOOOOOOONE!!!!!! crying myself to sleep the shame i feel won't go away so please remember this before i decay...i was so alone and i lost her that dreadful day...that day when i lost all hope and i nearly died because of all the sadness building up shes gone and i can't move on because i feel so empty inside...should i just die?