Zsa Zsa Delacroix
Progressive Times
Fuck you and your primitive mind
We got the rhythm
Gonna make you feel
So obsolete inside progressive times
(On and on and on)
Fuck your medieval mind
Evolution calls for you
Adopt this modern life
Or fall behind
(On and on and on)

We’ve got to make life better
For people like you and I
Turn all the pain into pleasure
Just change up the system

Sick of all you people with your hateful lies
But nothing’s ever ever gonna sever the ties
Of fabulosity
Don’t bе judgmental baby
People arе just different
And you can’t deny
Perception is subjective
There’s no reason why
My lifestyle should collide
With your primitive mind
So fuck you

Fuck you and your primitive mind
We got the rhythm
Gonna make you feel
So obsolete inside progressive times
(On and on and on)
Fuck your medieval mind
Evolution calls for you
Adopt this modern life
Or fall behind
(On and on and on)
My circumstance is personal
Get your fingers out of my pie
You need to just grow the fuck up
And mind your own business

Sick of all you people with your hateful lies
But nothing’s ever ever gonna sever the ties
Of fabulosity
Don’t be judgmental baby
People are just different
And you can’t deny
Perception is subjective
There’s no reason why
My lifestyle should collide
With your primitive mind
So fuck you

Fuck you and your primitive mind
We got the rhythm
Gonna make you feel
So obsolete inside progressive times
(On and on and on)
Fuck your medieval mind
Evolution calls for you
Adopt this modern life
Or fall behind
(On and on and on)
Just let it go
Just let it go
All of the negative and hateful notions
Just let it fall to the waste side
I am a Phoenix rising up now

Let it go
Rise like a Phoenix from the ashes
Stand up for yourself
And blossom like a flower in Spring

Fuck you and your primitive mind
We got the rhythm
Gonna make you feel
So obsolete inside progressive times
(On and on and on)
Fuck your medieval mind
Evolution calls for you
Adopt this modern life
Or fall behind
(On and on and on)