Zsa Zsa Delacroix
My Next Terrible Decision
I watch the Jazz band
Playing at my favourite club
I see your face by the bar
With your ticket stub
You catch me looking at your smile
Oh could this be love?
I dunno

I’m caught between bass lines
With horns on the high
You’re walking over here
To say ‘hi’
‘Oh hello’

It’s so ironic
I feel platonic
But here you are
Sit down
Pass me my Gin & Tonic
Came for the rhythm
A social schism
But here you are
My next terrible decision
We drink Martinis
In Santorini
And I get married to you
In my string bikini
Oh what a shame
We played the game
And you became
My next terriblе decision

You play it cool, calm, collected
But I ain’t no fool
I know your typе
I’ve seen it all before baby
Why the heel am I here
Sitting pretty with you?
I dunno
I’m caught in the headlights
With insignificant lust
You sound so shallow when you speak
Stop, just stop

You’re my next terrible decision
You’re my next terrible decision
Oh yea