American Dad Cast
Saudi Arabia
We packed our bags, we hopped a plane
We left our happy home
(Uh, Francine singing's kind of illegal here)
The culture seemed a bit insane
But you said "hey, when in Rome"
(Uh, seriously Francine, ixnay on the ingi...)
Maybe you've got no reason to complain
But I've got no Y chromosome

So here's what I don't like about Saudi Arabia, hit it!
*background music picks up*

You can't go out unless you are escorted by a man
And when you do you come back with a buttcrack full of sand
No alcohol, no rum and cokes and no Dom Perignon
At least a girl can have a smoke (but not on Ramadan)

Oh, it's a land of joy
If you are a boy
But if you are a girl
It's the worst place in the world

(Ok Francine we get it)
Oh, but I'm just getting started:

American girls, we do pilates
Starve ourselves until we're hotties
Why? Because we like our bodies
Check me out you uptight Saudis
Oh it's so awfully grand (come on Francine stop singing)
If you are a man (I'm only backup singing)
If you don't take me home soon Stan
I think I'm gonna hurl
It's the worst place in the world

(I started this point system and she's way behind)

I only want to see the world, explore and socialize
But in this town I can't so much as look at other guys
'Cause if I did, they'd call me harlot, whore, adulteress
I bet my last 3 all you fellas won't approve of this

Who wants a kiss?

It's great if you're from Mars, but not if you're from Venus
If you wanna drive a car, you'd better have a penis
So if you've got a vagina, a vulva, a clitoris...
(What is a clitoris?)
...and a labia
(You see where I'm going with this)
Stay the hell away from Saudi Arabia