Сан Саныч (San Sanych)
Обращение к Обаме (Adress to Obama) (English Translation)
I want to fucking say to this fucking OBEM, fuck, fuck:
you fucking fucking goat, fuck, black ass, fuck,
if you were a man, fuck. Your daughter is fucking fucked somewhere, fuck, fuck, she probably studies fuck knows where, fuck, fuck,
and children are dying in Ukraine, fuck, why is that, fuck?
Why children should… they’re even eternal children, fuck it, this is our future, fuck it, and fuck you, fuck you,
fuck you, fuck you, you live somewhere on the continent,
fuck knows where the fuck you’re climbing here.. to the Russians, fuck it. Remember — I have a fucking good fucking man, I’ll fucking give him the monеy so that he, the bitch, will fuck a bullet in thе brain, fuck, and so that you close, fuck, and never climb here, understand? YOU FUCKING REDNECK!!! Fuck it all.