[Deleted Artist]
Touya x Yuki (Cardcaptor Sakura The safe place 2/2 future au)
Yuki: My parents they...there fighting *cries*
Touya: oh.....is that why you were running?
Yuki: *nods*
Touya: ok...everything will be ok
Yuki: *Whispers* May I stay at your house?
Touya: ofc Yuki
Yuki: *blushese a little* t-thx Touya
Touya: *blushses a little* np Yuki
* When they get there*
Touya: I'm home
Sakura: hey Touya
Sakura: oh hey Yukito
Yuki: *sniff* Hey Sakura
Sakura: Yukito you ok?
Yuki: Yeah i'm fine Sakura *smiles a bit*
Sakura: ok if you say so *Smiles*
Yuki & Touya: *go's to Touya's room*
Yuki: Night...
Touya: still upset?
Yuki: *nods*
Touya: Come here *opens arms for a hug*
Yuki: *hugs Touya*
Touya: its ok let it out
Yuki: *cries*
*A little later*
Yuki: *sniff* I'm ok now...
Touya: I'm sorry Yuki...
Yuki: huh? what do you-
Touya: *kisses Yuki*
Yuki:*kisses back*
Touya:*breaks kiss*
Yuki:*Try's to get some air (cause air exists)*
Yuki: W-What was t-that for...*blushes*
Touya: To make you feel better*blushes*
Yuki: T-thx....
Touya: *Changes into pj's*
Touya: Ready for bed Yuki
Yuki: *yawns* mhm
Touya: good night
Yuki: Night
Future Yuki: *wakes up* What a good memory *smiles*
Future Touya: Morning love
Future Yuki: Morning