Remember no russian
[Verse 1: GOREJIT]
Walk out the elevator and we leave you dead
LMG rounds in your body in your head
I don't got my sawed-off I feel like I'm naked
Just like I got executed bitch I'm faceless
ISIS shipped a AK
Mask on my face
Rob your shit
Just like Payday
Now my chopper turn you red like it's fucking Treyway
I'm not homophobic but the feds on my dick like they fucking...
Chopper stutter yeah it's doing fucking glitches
Before necrotrap no one did those fucking glitchеs eee
Bullet holes now that fuckboy needs some stitchеs
Tsaruicide gonna locate the premises
Ну, шевелитесь! Good you made it! Get in! We sent a strong message with this attack, Makarov
That was no message...
[Verse 2: Tsaruicide]
In the Middle East humvee humvees
In the Middle East apache apaches
And some guided fucking missiles at the US fucking left
Put that fucking stake in your chest leave you dead
Open your fucking box faggot
Just like a virus I want my bullets to spread
Shells in your body shells inside your fucking head
But it's true no one did those glitches bitch
No one did that fucking shit those copycats are fucking pussy bitch
But it's true no one did those glitches bitch
No one did that fucking shit those copycats are fucking pussy bitch
This is a message
The American thought he could deceive us. When they find that body...all of Russia will cry for war
Группе 4! Следить за вторым терминалом! Террористы могут пройти через подземный туннель, приём?