It only takes an hour to bake a cake
A little bit of love and sugar will make
A smile a bit, and boost our spirits
Even when we're alone
And soon we'll see the sun is shining through
Still I can't help but keep thinking about you
The times we were glad, the times we were sad
Your laugh is long overdue
The times I was crying
You would be there to wipe
All my tears away
Somehow I'll do the same for you
Please lift up your head
No more tears should bе shed
I'll be therе...
If you over-stir the batter it'll thicken in time
If you make a few mistakes just laugh it off, you'll be fine
Should I be baking a cake? No!
These cookies sound great
If this batch goes rotten I'll try again
Wave goodbye to my home with a box wrapped in blue
I'm hoping this baker's dozen will be perfect for you
Just seeing your smile makes me promise that I'll
Live each day to the fullest and make our friendship worthwhile
La la la la la...