LIL PANDA (apandah)
Mickey Mouse Cuckhouse
Fuck Minnie Mouse!
And her short slutty blouse!
Invited her to the club house
Things were getting rouse
Thought she coulda spouse
But it was a chouse!
She went to take a piss
I was all alone
We mighta had kids
Now I'm on her phone
Dumb broad left it unlocked
Snooped in her snap and where she left off
She was all up on Goofy (guh)
The big fucking G
Started screaming "How could you do this to me!"
Goofy's hung dick, right in my face
How would Max feel, him dating another race?
Break through the door and what do I see?
Goofy clapping ever living shit out of Minnie
My jaw fucking drops
No 1930 animation
This bitch is Satan!
My homeboy Goofy too
Justify pumping out it cummy. shitty. glue
They be fucking though
Started to cry
Goofy goes "why oh why oh why"
Dude was fucking my homegirl though
Don't lie!
I kick them out of my dirty crib
Knowing he was all up in her rib
Bitches ain't shit and cows ate a mouse
A rat became soft cause she made him souse