‎‎other than that
Lyrics from Snippet

So, I say to him "You literally cheated on me"
And he goes "Uh, okay, but other than that?"

You had sex with Emily
Told me condescendingly to calm down
Throwing out the condom, oh, wow
You asked me tenderly, strictly, hypothetically if tonight
Is it cool if she swings by? Oh, wow
You must be so sick in the head
You can't grasp that you're gas lighting me to death

No pain's enough so, simply put
"Yeah, I'm good" 'cause you could

Fuck my best friend and you'd still say
"But other than that?"
You made me cry on my birthday
"But other than that?"
Killed me just a tad, but I guess you weren't so bad
Other than that? Other than that?