Why is the world so cruel acting that way just isnt fucking cool

(verse 1)
Why can't we Rome and be all different instead of stealing and telling each other we trust and love them when we all don't give a fuck... and you know, you know the it's the truth, from when my brother told me be careful to the cold god damn truth! i couldn't face the facts i get in my feelings each time i feel its not worth it or not worth living.....(feel me!)

Sometimes its worth a little but i feel like im a worm and i need to fiddle whats the f-fucking riddle, they say the truth will set you free (ha nah) well the truth broke me in two (shit man)

(verse 2)
So she maybe likes me maybe she dont, she might wanna use me (manz) i don't know what im saying, im praying that i don't get another heart break and i don't mean a couple between to lovers i mean less but we so much more,i feel full on broken (almost tho)im crying in the shower its been almost 3 hours my go to is my old room the one inside my head i used to vist when i was always lost and sad, now its full of dust now its back to multi-vists, the spot where i can let my feels out

Sometimes its worth a little but i feel like im a worm and i need to fiddle whats the f-fucking riddle, they say the truth will set you free (ha nah) well the truth broke me in two (shit man)

Ik its short i-i nvm, its to the point