Forced imprisonment and left to die
Combatting vicious opponents wagering their lives
A comical outlet for the croesus
The last one standing is crowned victorious
Blades line the field
Bodies scattered everywhere in sight
Rounds go by
Crushing final blows decide their fates
Branded in their memory
Blood is written on their hands
A war that has proceeded for centuries
Spanning their fleet across the galaxy
Attempting to control the resources
Stripping the landscape for inhabitance
Betraying their alliances for acts of greed
Blades slice with might
Augments fall before their eyes
Pride filled with light
Smoke dissipates
Showcasing the victors
The sun gleaming off of their armors
Fear fills with eyes
As they try to escape
To escape a useless attempt
They are consumed by light
Rue the light
Slaves to the counselor
Brainless subservients
Dare not defy
Bred in labs
Corpus grineer
Stand no chance
Mass cloned in facilities
Phased into life
Malformed creatures stare into the
Eyes of their savior
Eternally grateful for their sacrifice
An unimaginable field of death
History forever changed
The war has just
Just begun
The war has just
Just begun