Bukas Palad Music Ministry
I Will Wash Your Feet
[Verse 1]
I’ve called you my companions
My friends, I’ve chosen you
To show my Heart’s compassion
For all life to be renewed

[Verse 2]
Now, do as I have shown you
My Spirit will break through
Humbly serving one another
Loving as I’ve loved you

I will wash your feet, cleanse away the stain
I will fill you with my peace, make my love remain
I will wash your feet, cleanse away the pain
Your heart, I will hold and heal
Make my mercy reign

[Verse 3]
I leave you with this mission
A sacrifice of love
A life to be surrendered
So all sinners may be free

[Verse 4]
Now, take your cross and follow
Go forth, proclaim my Word
Find the lost, console the weary
Bear the light so all may see
I will wash your feet, cleanse away the stain
I will fill you with my peace, make my love remain
I will wash your feet, cleanse away the pain
Your heart, I will hold and heal
Make my mercy reign