Empire! Empire! (I was A Lonely Estate)
The Next Step To Regaining Control
I knew that you wouldn't change, but I bit my tongue and swore
Resigned myself to carry on despite you

But you would not match my stride and cried, “Foul! Foul!
How could you expect me to care about somebody else?”
And after all, who would expect anything else from you?
You would not apologize for what you claimed you'd never do

You guard your hand like there is something brilliant, waiting to play itself off
And when you move to strike, everything will fall into place
But I’ll call your bluff, I know you’re all talk
And when the words come out, there will be nothing left but promises

I wanted it to be different, to see truth where it did not fit
But the harder I looked, the farther you seemed from it
There is a cadence here, I guess, for every measured misstep
I put one foot forward and you take two steps back

You guard your hand like there is something brilliant, waiting to play itself off
And when you move to strike, everything will fall into place
But I’ll call your bluff, I know you’re all talk
And when the words come out, there will be nothing left but promises

So just say what you want
So just say what you want
So just say what you want
So just say what you want