Убей меня, Эйс! (Kill me, Ace!)
The Happiest Idiot (Remastered 2022)
Fuckin' idiot
I'm glad you came
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy
I'm scared to let you back in
I'm not thinking you're dead

Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy again
Hope you're happy
I'm scared to let you back in
I'm scared to let you back in
I'm scared to let you back in