Demo’s and Try-Outs Note
Hi there! If you follow me, nice to see you again. If you found me randomly on a song, hi there, nice to meet you! I'm going to clear up a few things before you see (or if you already saw the songs and are a bit confused, that's why this is here!) any of the songs under this album.

1- No, these songs are not the versions that are in my albums. These are demos, or try-outs as I like to call them. The lyrics are different or maybe the whole song is different.

2- The songs you see will most likеly be unfinished. Some of thеm stop midway, and some will be labelled **snippets**. There is a reason for that, and here it is. It will kind of be a leak, but more or less specific.

3- Most of these will not be done (like said above) but they are not open prompts or ideas! If you see one that says discontinued or scrapped and you like the idea, please message me first or ask and I will decide if you can use the lyrics or something that I posted.

This will be updated soon!