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(Eason Chan)
(Eason Chan)
Believe In Mi (2018)
蕭邦寫過的歌 (Written By Chopin)
來吧 (Come On)
何日君再搖 (Rock Again)
感謝主 (Thank God)
貓 (Cat)
16月6日晴 (Love Diaries)
Allegro, Opus 3.3 a.m.
Baby Song
CLASS (Extended Version)
Crying In The Party
Crying In The Party (Big Band Version)
Crying In The Party (Soul Seekerz Remix)
I Do
King Kong
K歌之王 (King of Karaoke)
Last Order
Let It Out
Life Goes On
Lonely Christmas
Made In Hong Kong
My Private Christmas Song
New Order
Shall We Dance
Shall We Talk
Shall We Talk (Tre Lune MMXIX)
Sleep Alone
Stranger Under My Skin
Welcome To The Future
一 (One)
一個旅人 (A Traveller)
一個靈魂的獨白 (Monologue From One Soul)
一切還好 (All Is Well)
一加一 (One Plus One) (劇場版 Theatre Version)
一疋布 (Lengthy)
一秒 (Just Another Day)
一秒 (Just Another Day) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
一絲不掛 (Naked)
七百年後 (700 Years Later)
三個人的探戈 (Tango For Three)
下週同樣時間 (再見) (Same Time Next Week)
下週同樣時間 (再見) (Same Time Next Week) (Live at EasON AIR)
不來也不去 (Passing By)
不如不見 (Better Not to Meet)
不如承諾來的簡單 (You)
不期而遇的夏天 (Unexpected Summer)
不求人 (Not Asking For Help)
不知所謂 (Don’t Know What to Say)
不良嗜好 (Bad Habits)
不要说话 (Don’t Talk)
世界 (World of Love)
主旋律 (The Main Theme)
之外 (Apart)
乜嘢啫 (What Do You Want)
乜嘢啫 (What Do You Want) (Section Remix)
人來人往 (People Come People Go)
人來人往 (People Come)
人啊人 (Homo Sapiens)
人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence)
人生馬拉松 (Life and Marathon)
人神鬥 (Man Vs. God)
人車誌 (Me and My Car)
今天只做一件事 (Only One Thing Today)
今日 (Today)
他一個人 (He’s Alone)
任我行 (The Wanderer)
低等動物 (Primitive)
低調 (Low Profile)
你有自己一套 (You Have Your Ways) (Live at EasON AIR)
你的背包 (Your Backpack)
你給我聽好 (Listen Up)
俏郎君 (What Separates Us)
信任 (Trust)
信心花舍 (Faithful Flowers)
倒带人生 (Life in Rewind)
傅科擺 (Leap)
傷信 (Farewell Letter)
像一句廣告 (Like An Advert)
兄妹 (Siblings)
兄弟 (Brothers)
兩名男子街頭相遇 (Two Men On the Street)
八里公路 (Eight Mile Highway)
六月飛霜 (Snow In June)
冤氣 (Grievances)
冷雨 (Cold Rain) (Live at EasON AIR)
到此一遊 (I Was Here)
十年 (Ten Years)
十面埋伏 (Ambush)
原來這裡沒有你 (You Are Not Here)
只是近黃昏 (The Dawn Is Near)
可一可再 (The Album)
可以了 (It’s Over)
右上角 (Notice)
同舟之情 (On the Same Boat)
吹微風 (A Breeze)
呀邊個邊個 (Who Is Who)
告別娑婆 (Farewell Saha)
味之素 (Ajinomoto)
和平飯店 (Peace Hotel)
哎呀咿呀 (Aiya Eya)
喜歡一個人 (To Like Someone)
單車 (Bicycle)
四季 (Four Seasons)
四季圈 (Song of the Vagabond)
因為愛情 (Because Of Love)
塵大師 (Lightly)
壞與更壞 (Worse comes to worst)
夕陽無限好 (The Magnificent Sunset)
多一點 (A Little More) (Acoustic Version)
多少 (How Much)
夢想天空分外藍 (Dream Sky Especially Blue)
夢的可能 (Dreams and Possibilities)
大人 (Adult)
大個女 (Big Girl)
大得太快 (Too Big Too Fast)
大開眼戒 (Original Form)
天使的禮物 (Gift From Angels)
天公地道 (Fair Play)
天網 (Sky Net)
太空漫遊 (A Space Odyssey)
太陽照常升起 (Sun Rises As Usual)
失憶蝴蝶 (The Butterfly Effect)
失戀太少 (Too Few Breakups)
好久不見 (Long Time No See)
如果這一秒鐘你跟我講你不愛我 (Quarrel)
娛樂天空 (High Light High Life)
婚礼的祝福 (Blessed Wedding)
季軍 (Third Place)
孤兒仔 (Orphans)
孤勇者 (Lonely Warrior)
孤獨探戈 (Lonely Tango)
完 (End)
寂寞奏嗚曲 (Lonely Sonata)
富士山下 (Sorrow Is Meaningless)
对不起 谢谢 (Sorry & Thanks)
專家話 (From the Experts)
對面 (The Moon)
小孩不懂怕 (Kids Don’t Understand Fear)
少見不怪 (Not Surprised)
幸災樂禍 (Happy Disasters)
幸福摩天輪 (Happy Ferris Wheel)
床上的黑洞 (Wake)
床頭床尾 (Head End, Foot End, Bed Ends)
張氏情歌 (Song of Cheng)
後台 (Backstage)
心深傷透 (Deeply Hurt)
心燒 (Heart on Fire)
心的距离 (Heart’s Distance)
心腹 (Confidant)
心裡有鬼 (Ghost In My Heart)
忘記歌詞 (Forgot the Lyrics)
快高長大 (Big and Strong)
忽然難過 (Suddenly Saddened)
怕死 (Fear of Death)
怪物 (Monster)
想聽 (Wanna Listen)
愚人快樂 (YGYS)
愛上你是我眼睛的錯 (Fault of My Eyes to Love You)
愛你入骨 (Love In My Bones)
愛情轉移 (Love Transfer)
慢慢喜歡你 (Growing Fond of You) (Live at EasON AIR)
我不好愛 (No Love For Me)
我們 (Us)
我們不哭了 (We Won’t Cry)
我們萬歲 (Long Live To Us)
我們都寂寞 (We’re All Lonely)
我感激 (I’m Grateful)
我有我愛你 (Love You My Way)
我杯茶 (My Cup Of Tea)
我甚麼都沒有 (I Have Nothing)
我甲你 (Me & You)
我的世界末日 (The End of My World)
我的快樂時代 (My Happy Days)
戲迷情人 (Drama Lovers)
打得火熱 (Some Like It Hot)
披風 (Soar)
抱擁這分鐘 (Live In The Moment)
收心操 (Ready)
放 (Relax)
放下來 (Put It Down)
放棄治療 (Forgot My Meds)
敬菸 (Sharing)
斯德哥爾摩情人 (Stockholm Lover)
新廣告歌 (New Commercial Song)
新生活 (New Life)
新美人主義 (New Beauty)
於心有愧 (Guilty Conscience)
明天何其多 (So Much Tomorrow)
明年今日 (Next Year Today)
昨日 (Yesterday)
是但求其愛 (Love Perhaps)
是但求其愛 (Love Perhaps) (English Translation)
是但求其愛 (Si6 Daan6 Kau4 Kei4 Oi3) (簡體字/Simplified Characters)
時代巨輪 (Wheel of the Era)
時代巨輪 (Wheel Of The Era) (Digital Dog Remix)
時代曲 (The Anthem)
時光倒流二十年 (Turning Back 20 Years)
時光隧道 (Slow Motion)
暫停・開始過 (Pause and Start) (Live at EasON AIR)
暴殄天物 (Wasteful)
最佳損友 (Best Friends)
最後今晚 (Final Night)
最後派對 (The End Party)
最後的嬉皮士 (The Last Hippie)
會過去的 (It’ll Pass) / 2001太空漫遊 (2001: A Space Odyssey) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
月球上的人 (Man on the Moon)
歌.頌 (Ode)
歲月如歌 (Flying Times)
每一個明天 (Every Tomorrow)
沙龍 (Salon)
沼氣 (Methane)
活著多好 (Good To Be Alive)
活躍症 (Hyperactive)
浮誇 (Pompous)
海膽 (Sigh)
海裡睡人 (To Be Together)
淘汰 (Eliminated)
溫室效應 (Greenhouse Effect)
滑鐵盧車站 (Waterloo Station)
滑鐵盧車站 (Waterloo Station) (Wideboys Club Mix)
演唱會 (Concert Live Gig)
演唱會 (Concert Live Gig) (Junior Rotter Remix)
漸漸 (Am I Me)
無人之境 (No Man’s Land)
無底洞 (Deep) (Live at EasON AIR)
無條件 (Unconditional)
焦焦焦 (Hold On A Sec)
然后怎样 (Then How)
熱島小夜曲 (Tropical Island Serenade)
熱島小夜曲 (Tropical Island Serenade) (Wideboys Club Mix)
熱帶雨林 (Tropical Rainforest)
爛 (Breakdown)
狂熱革命 (Maniacal Revolution)
狂熱革命 (Maniacal Revolution) (Junior Rotter Remix)
猜情尋 (Rock Paper Scissors)
瑪利奧派對 (Mario Party)
瑪利奧派對 (Mario Party) (Soul Seekerz Remix)
異夢 (Different Dreams) (Bonus Track)
當這地球沒有花 (When the Earth Has No Flowers)
瘋狂的朋友 (Crazy Friends)
白玫瑰 (White Rose)
盲婚啞嫁 (The Code)
相信你的人 (The One Who Believes In You)
真相 (Truth)
眼眉調 (Twitching Eyebrows)
破壞王 (We Zzzid It)
碌卡 (Swiping Your Card)
碌卡 (Swiping Your Card) (Light-Saber Mix)
社交恐懼癌 (Don’t Mind Me)
神奇化妝師 (Magical Makeup Artist)
積木 (Building Blocks)
穩穩的幸福 (Firm Happiness)
空城記 (Something Missing)
笑死朕 (Laugh Die Me)
第一類接觸 (First Encounter)
第五個現代化 (The Fifth Modernisation)
第幾位前任 (X)
粵語殘片 (Cantonese Old Movie)
紅玫瑰 (Red Rose)
終於一百日 (100 Days)
結束開始 (The End Begins)
給愛麗斯 (To Alice)
綿綿 (Entangled)
给你 (For You)
美滿人生 (Beautiful Life)
美麗有罪 (Beauty Is A Crime)
美麗謊言 (A Beautiful Lie)
習慣說 (Used to)
老細我撇先 (Boss, I’m Leaving Early)
聽聽 (Listen)
致明日的舞 (A Dance For Tomorrow)
與你常在 (All About Love)
與我常在 (Always Be With Me)
花花世界 (Fascinating World)
苦瓜 (Bitter Gourd)
荒蕪中起舞 (Dancing In the Wilderness)
萬佛朝宗 (Ten Thousand Paths)
萬聖節的一個傳說 (The Halloween Nightmare)
落花流水 (Flowing Blossoms)
葉問風中轉 (Ip Man In The Wind)
葉問風中轉 (Ip Man In The Wind) (Demo Version)
葡萄成熟時 (When Grapes Ripen)
蚊 (Mosquitoes)
蠢 (Ming)
衝口而出 (Blurted Out)
裙下之臣 (Under the Dress)
要你的 (Want Yours)
親近 (Close)
解藥 (Anti-dote)
誰來剪月光 (Miss)
請相信我 (Please Trust Me)
謊言 (Lies)
講男講女 (He Says She Says)
講男講女 (He Says She Says) (NG Take)
謝謝 (Thank You)
變色龍 (Chameleon)
變色龍 (Chameleon) (Section Remix)
讓我留在你身邊 (Keep Me By Your Side)
貝多芬與我 (Beethoven and Me)
起點.終站 (Origin, Destination)
超人的主題曲 (Theme of Ultraman)
超錯 (Super Wrong)
路一直都在 (The Road Has Always Been)
这样很好 (Isha’s Song)
这样的一个麻烦 (A Trouble Like This)
送院途中 (Transported to Hospital)
這裡 (Being Here)
遇見了你 (Meeting You)
遊離份子 (Ranger)
遠在咫尺 (So Far So Close)
還有什麼可以送給你 (What Else Can I Give You)
重口味 (Hardcore)
重口味 (Hardcore) (Special Club Mix)
重口味 (Hardcore) (The Headmaster Mix - Eason Chan vs The Great Almighty Alan Tam)
閃 (Flash)
閃 (Flash) (Digital Dog Remix)
開不了心 (Can’t Be Happy)
防不勝防 (Creep)
阿士匹靈 (Aspirin)
阿怪 (Weirdo)
阿牛 (Barbaric)
阿貓阿狗 (Cat & Dog)
陀飛輪 (Tourbillon)
陪你度过漫长岁月(Keeping You Company Through the Endless Years)
陰天快樂 (Cloudy Day)
隨意門 (Anywhere Door)
零下幾分鐘 (Freeze)
非禮 (Harassment)
非禮 (Harassment) (Rude Mix)
飄飄飄飄 (Floating In)
黃金時代 (Golden Times)
黑夜不再來 (The Night Never Came)
黑擇明 (Reaper Will Find You)
黑暗中漫舞 (Dancer in the Dark)
黑洞 (Black Hole)
黑面 (Long Face)
龍舌蘭 (Tequila)