Queen Squish
I love to dance
I got my ball shoes on
Put my hair in a bun
I'm trying to have fun on the dancefloor
You better run
I can dance like Charli D’amelio
Be scared of me
Cause I'm a better dancer then her

I spin and spin around
My feet gliding like an angel
My dress looks like a cupcake
Yummy frosting and sprinkles
I love to dance, I love to dance

[Music Changes]

I got my ball shoes on
Put my hair in a bun
[Music Changes Back]
I'm trying to have fun on the dancefloor
You better run
I can dance like Charli D'mellio
Be scared of me
Cause I'm a bettеr dancer then her
I spin and spin around
My feet gliding likе an angel
My dress looks like a cupcake
Yummy frosting and sprinkles
I love to dance, I love to dance