Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 68
[Verse 1]
Just as smoke is driven high
Just as wax melts before the fire
So the wicked shall perish
Sing, oh, righteous, with gladness
Yes, lift up a song for Him who rides through the desert

[Verse 2]
Father to the fatherless
Judge for widows in loneliness
Is the Lord in His holy house?
Leads the prisoners victorious out
Earth quaked and rains came when Sinai shook in Your presence

[Verse 3]
At God's word, let the women bring
Good news of enemy armies flee
Come now with us, divide up
See the spoil of golden doves
See the King Almighty forever on His mountain

[Verse 4]
Day after day, He bears us up
Our God is the God of salvation
Rescue from death belongs to Him
See Him now in His procession
Him who rides in the ancient, highest heavens (Heavens)
Behold, behold
Behold, He thunders with His voice
His power among the clouds
Behold, behold
Behold, the Fount of Israel
The One who brought us out
Behold, behold
Behold, He thunders with His voice
His power among the clouds
Behold, behold
Behold, the Fount of Israel
The One who brought us out