Whitney Avalon
Won’t Stay Down
There’s a serious issue
Affecting millions every day
I don’t know how we’ll ever escape it
Something so uncontrollable
A bit of life that goes astray
And we just don’t have the means to reshape it
It may seem a minor burden
The tiniest detail
But whenever it's shown up it proves I'm no grown up
And feels like an epic fail

I’ve got a cowlick
Right here at my hairline
I’ve got a cowlick
It's extremely bad design
Oh, I can fool myself
That I’m rocking this ravishing gown
But my cowlick pops up and it just won't stay down

What am I supposed to do
With this rebel clump of hair
No spray, no brush, no dryer can tame it
There's no chance of looking cool
When I see that awkward stare
From everyone who's too polite to name it
But I sense their eyes upon me
And I know I've lost my power
No longer the alpha, I feel like Alfalfa
Why did I bother to shower?