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x (Chan Fai Young x Womens Choir)
x (Chan Fai Young x Womens Choir)
寂寞大道 (Lonesome Avenue) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
暗湧 (Undercurrent)
絶 (Desperate)
少女的祈禱 (The Girl’s Prayer)
心癮 (Love Addiction) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
怯 (Timid)
打得火熱 (Some Like It Hot) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
黑夜不再來 (The Night Never Came)
內有惡女 (Wicked Girl Inside) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
失戀太少 (Too Few Breakups)
忘記不起 (Forgot About Us) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
黑夜不再來 (The Night Never Came)
吹沙入眼 (Something in My Eye) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
垃圾 (Garbage)
我有我愛你 (Love You My Way) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
明日有明天 (Tomorrow is Another Day)
哀悼乳房 (Mourning Breasts)
我的麻煩男友 (My Troublesome Boyfriend) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
男朋友與歌 (Boyfriends Like Songs) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
終身美麗 (Beautiful Life)
一場誤會 (Misunderstanding) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
他不准我哭 (He Would Not Let Me Cry) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
天使的禮物 (Gift from Angels)
Shall We Talk
灰姑娘 (Cinderella) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
給愛麗斯 (To Alice) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
拍住上 (Partner Up) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
痛愛 (Love Painfully) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
魚蛋歌 (Fishball Song)
三千年前 (3000 Years Ago)
如何掉眼淚 (How to Shed Tears) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
守望相愛 (Hopeful Love) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
分過手請舉手 (Raise Your Hand For Breakups) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
嘭門 (Door Bang) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
日與夜 (Day and Night)
愛不釋手 (Can’t Let Go) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
抱抱 (Hug) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
人來人往 (People Come People Go) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
爭氣 (Brace Up) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
再見我的初戀 (Goodbye My First Love) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
會過去的 (It’ll Pass) / 2001太空漫遊 (2001: A Space Odyssey) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
人來人往 (People Come People Go)
新世紀福音戰士 (Neon Genesis Evangelion) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
自戀影院 (Self-love Theatre) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
喜歡戀愛 (Love Romance) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
折磨 (Torment) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
嫌棄 (Cold-Shoulder) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
火鳥 (Phoenix)
破相 (Scarred) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
小星星 (Little Star) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
最後的歌 (Last Song)
重複犯錯 (Repeating Mistake) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
上一次流淚 (Last Time I Cried) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
私奔 (Elope) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
情意結 (Dead Knot) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
漩渦 (Swirl) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
活著 (To Live) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
絕 (Desperate) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
我的生存之道 (My Way To Survival) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
把悲傷看透時 (Seeing Through the Sadness) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
心跳回憶 (My Heartbeat Memory) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
美麗有罪 (Beauty is a Crime) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
日與夜 (Day and Night) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
相愛很難 (Love is Hard) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
告別我的戀人們 (Farewell My Lovers) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
回來我身邊 (Come Back to Me) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
K歌之王 (King of Karaoke) (Live at Queen Elizabeth Stadium 2018)
火鳥 (Phoenix) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
飲酒思源 (Be Grateful) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
亂世情侶 (Love in Troubled Times) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
少女的祈禱 (The Girl’s Prayer) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
終身美麗 (Beautiful Life) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
垃圾 (Garbage) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
告別我的戀人們 (Farewell My Lovers) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
K歌之王 (King of Karaoke) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)
最後的歌 (Last Song) (Live at Hong Kong Coliseum 2021)