Look at my deck, bitch
Ain't it straight fire?
It gotta goblin gang, and a level 5 hog rider
Add an inferno tower, maybe a mini pekka too
Talkin' bout nerf miner, like bitch, who is you?
Of course I got a spell bitch, I have one fireball
But just cause I got one spell, does not mean I shall fall!
Boutta push this mans, and take his crowns
Gonna switch his lanes on your ass
All I'm sayin bro is maybe you should learn
A thing or two from Ecclesiastes
You in bone pit, bitch you fuckin suck
It's at serenity peak
Just letting you know, when I see that deck
I think you look really fuckin weak
Sorry man, I was a bit rude
I know you're pretty new
C'mon dude, lemme show you the ropes
Or else you're be stuck in arena too
You should probably make beatdown deck
Y'know just a start
I know this game is pretty hard
But deep down, I know you're pretty smart
Ayo, wait a minute
What the fuck?
What is this shit?
What the fuck!
Like actually, what the fuck is this shit?
What's going on?!
Never heard me, that's surprising, considering I'm the best
Gonna emote on your bitchass, he-ha, unlike the rest
I'm championship 5 bitch, does that ring a bell?
You hear that crowd hoe, they all there, cause they know you gonna fail
I outrank everybody, my dad owns this game
Wait, why are they looking shocked?
Yeah, I'm a successor to Supercell
I have the right to this throne, that's why you're getting mocked!