Rap Genius
Lyrictionary - Leaderboard

Last update: 21th of November, 2016
Will be updated after every episode! If you changed your username but your old name is still up in the leaderboard, please let me know so I can keep track of it in my local Excel sheet with the scores.LegendπŸ† - Top 5 on the 5th anniversary episode.🎀 - Hosted one or more Lyrictionary episodes.πŸ’‘ - The person who answered the bonus question best on episode 20.πŸ’Ž - Top 5 on the 20th anniversary episode.✏️ - The person who answered the bonus question best on episode 21.🎯 - Top 5 on the 21th anniversary episode (half year mark).RecordsMost 1st places
1. @Hypnovark / 5 times, episodes 2, 8 , 11, 12 & 13
2. @OstrichSeatsWithTheFrogEyes /2 times, episode 5 & 14
2. @BOYBETTAHKNOW / 2 times, episode 18 & 19

Most Consecutive 1st places
1. @Hypnovark / 3 times, from episode 11 until 13
1. @BOYBETTAHKNOW / 3 times, episode 18 untill 20

1. @Hypnovark - ONGOING / 26 out of 26
2. @YxsWorries - ONGOING / 17 out of 17
3. @Kizzler - ONGOING / 16 out of 16Leaderboard#NamePLDPTSGSS%1@Hypnovark πŸ’Ž πŸ’‘303030 100 2@BOYBETTAHKNOW πŸ’Ž 🎯232329 79 3@Kizzler 🎯202020 100 4@YxsWorries181818 100 5@OstrichSeatsWithTheFrogEyes πŸ†161618 89 6@SmittyWerbenJaggerManJensen 🎯161620 80 7@SixDeadZero 🎀 πŸ’Ž161523 65 8@MyUsernameIsMyUsername πŸ†151424 58 9@YeshuasIsTheKing-116201435 40 10@CS3x πŸ’Ž 🎯 ✏️131319 68 11@DaddyFatSax 🎀131217 71 12@ThisDickAintMuch πŸ’Ž141222 55 13@WriteNProppa 🎀101010 100 14@JCAssassin141017 59 15@RapGinius778 88 16@RobbMC879 78 17@ZayWopStan979 78 18@Icantendacareerifitdoesntstart9710 70 19@SharinganFlow 🎯666 100 20@Endgame767 86 21@TheRealJordanMitchell πŸ†668 75 22@basedgator555 100 23@WackoWizard555 100 24@Cubeok559 56 25@NewWorldStarz959 56 26@TheUltimateDJ391 πŸ†9529 17 27@Chief_Keef_Stan444 100 28@HBSavage444 100 29@LordPrettyFlackoRobby444 100 30@HallelujahWhenIDoYa445 80 31@Michael546 67 32@wakeupmrwest546 67 33@RoBoo547 57 34@swinelord πŸ†548 50 35@ChamKoopa333 100 36@ItsG00BZ333 100 37@JustAnotherNegus333 100 38@Threshold536 50 39@TheGreatPapaDope636 50 40@MikeGx5050639 33 41@AnonymousPkowian222 100 42@channelYELLOW222 100 43@KanyeFresh222 100 44@MonikernameID222 100 45@RGsucksdealwithit222 100 46@JohnJigglyWiggly323 67 47@Untitled323 67 48@Master_Of_The_Universe324 50 49@SeductiveBeat324 50 50@HoesAintFuckWitchaBoiNowTheyWannaSayHiWhenIGoBy543424 50 51@Huge_E_Rection424 50 52@Stankonia424 50 53@Odeon325 40 54@GothicM9221 10 55@AverageJu111 100 56@Bilbert111 100 57@BlameTyrone111 100 58@BoogieMan1125111 100 59@Dyazz111 100 60@GOLFKTA111 100 61@hustleordie111 100 62@ItsAlwaysTDESZN111 100 63@JFKray111 100 64@KenZinoDMD111 100 65@LaurynHillStan111 100 66@MidnightMercenary111 100 67@NickBouris111 100 68@pancho949111 100 69@Pro021111 100 70@R_E_A_Lapierre111 100 71@Rhyanoceros111 100 72@Rudmannen111 100 73@Soulquarians111 100 74@TheHodsonator111 100 75@Triple-J111 100 76@YoungJFK111 100 77@Bolly212 50 78@Silvaski212 50 79@StillBrazyIsAOTYDealWithIt313 33 80@BestMCWithNoChainYaEverHeard543101 - 81@FreddiesVictim101 - 82@Get_bitch_or_die_wankin101 - 83@gorean_Kajira_aka_nikki_lee101 - 84@Jay-Hovas_witness101 - 85@JustADarsh101 - 86@MarriedToTheGame101 - 87@My_Taste_GOAT_Imo101 - 88@Seamus101 - 89@StillAtIt101 - 90@Wu-Pac102 -