​ghosty punk
(heaven was the curse)
(where did he go?)

In cautarea absolutului ghosty a pierdut tot
Nu a avut succes in a face diferenta intre iubirea de sine si egoism
Nenumarate teste au dovedit ca pacientul nu a fost in stare sa-si mentina calmul
In perioada de 17.09.2021-25.10.2022
(hold my hand forever)

Am nevoie de mai mult decat soare si apa sa-mi revin
Mi am curatat corpul cu clor sa fiu divin
Am nevoie de mai mult decat stat afara sa mai simt
Sunt inchis pe internet de cand sunt mic


Whoop now everybody knows your name it’s
Too loud for this life i’m living basic
The clouds follow me like we’re related
They talk but they never really say shit

Whoop now everybody knows your name it’s
Too loud for this life i’m living basic
The clouds follow me like we’re related
They talk but they never really say shit
(uuh where’d you go? uuh where’d you go?)

3, 2, 1.. go

Uuu mexico
Sounds so sweet
But im going there alone
I tried to be myself but still
I’ve got some room to grow
Im going to Mexico

The trees
I can’t see straight
You’ve seen it all collapse
Behind your brain
And i’ll hide my face n-o sa ma vezi plangand
I’ve been hiding in my pillow since i figured i could
Never underestimate what i would do for you


Ghosty punk a fost eradicat prin consumul autoprovocat de hipoclorid de sodiu
Deci cand asculti acest experiment..
Pe cine auzi?
Raspunsul este necunoscut
Nici ghosty nu a putut sa afle
In a fi singur
Il am eu acum
Tot timpul
M-am saturat sa fiu tacut
Nu pot sa m-adun


What if I died
What if i died that night
What if I died
What if i died that night
What if I died
What if i died that night

What if i died
What if i died
What if i died
What if i died
What if i died

(nu.. nu vreau sa te intorci la chestia asta pentru ca- este un drum..prin care foarte greu te mai intorci iti distrugi toata viata)
(ca pana la urma asta o sa se intample e distractie hai la distractie ne distram dupa care.. oamenii incet incet se retrag)
What if i died
What if i died
What if i died
What if i died
What if i died

What if i died
What if i died
What if i died
What if i died
What if i died