/v/ the Musical
A Whole New Game
I can show you the gold
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, game dev, now when did
You last make money on a game?

I can market your game
Just forget about our last blunder
Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr
We'll be on the road to fame!

We'll tell the world!
With thousands of new page views
No one to tell us no ---
Or where to go ---
We'll just make a few changes

I'll show the world!
A decent pay I never knew
But I see your bank account
With that amount
I'll sign my game rights all over to you

Ignore that part, it's only if we sue!

Unbelievable sights
Indescribable gameplay
Platforming, combat, they're okay
But the story makes my fly!

A whole new world

Just a sec; close your eyes

A hundred thousand things to see

We'll just make this a bit better

I can finally buy a car
I've come so far
I can't go back to making things for free
A whole new world!
I shouldn't be surprised

The focus group knows what to do

I'm not sure this is better…

We'll post our ads everywhere
We've cash to spare
Make sure we sends checks straight to Kotaku

We'll change the lot

I'd rather not

We'll be like COD (See oh Dee)

But games aren't free…

We'll sell ten mill

I feel like a shill

Now onto make DLC