[Intro: Ruffian Rugged & sample of Twisted Insane's verse]
Yo, we in the building
We got the baddest and wickedest choppers worldwide in the house
No chibberin' allowed
(Round one, fight)
I be choppin’ when they want it like an onion
[Verse 1: Kurşun]
Itibar kalemi - acemi piçine geçiren ebedi
Bozuldu sehemi - anemi suratın monami döl evi
Ekini korudu, bulutun umudu uludu
Barutu soludu, kuburun yolunu kapadı grubu
Oralın şurubu - kusurun omuru uğradı dumura kurudu
Kaderin sunumu...
Yara var ama - kara alın yazıda - para ara döner sınıra
Yeri altı mayın ara düşer akıla vur çana mana ara yazıda
Kasım ayındaki dolunaya yürek olur kumanya
Neden ölümsel şölen - kölem düğümsel dümen
Küpem deist tayfaya türbe olur kan içen lümpen
Misket köken eken teker geçirir dünden
Yokdan varıp gidendir tümden
Sırılsıklamdı terden zaman çalıp da günden
[Verse 2: Twisted Insane]
I be choppin’ when they want it like an onion
Open up the bag and eat you like some Funyuns
They don’t want it with the Brainsick, ain’t shit
They all run and hop when they be knowin’ I be comin’
Line ‘em up and they gon’ get the boot
Better that before I up and shoot
Bullets get to rainin’, follow with the hollow and you’re through
Someone should’a told ‘em from the get that I be sicker with the Brainin’
Kill ‘em when I fill ‘em the venom, I gotta be
Brazy, whatever the fuck done got into me
Made me a little bit loony, I really mean it
They tell me that I’m a genius, now will you suffer defeat?
Maybe! Kill ‘em all, Brainsick flow
Line up then get down on the floor
Duck when the Brainsick go
Hit ‘em with a 100 more volts
Usain Bolt couldn’t catch me when I zone, uh
Now I’m 'onna murder with a passion
Do you like a potato when I be mashin’
I burn ‘em up into ash and they be tellin’ me stop it
I gotta pop it, I mean I get massive
Bro go with bolos I get mo’
Get them and skippin’ the popo
Kill ‘em all and hide in the mo-mo
These motherfuckers is wolfin’ and really don’t know
I am the one with the chopper (Crap)
Keep it right here on my hip (Why's that?)
I am Brainsick with no doctor (Damn!)
Everyone labeled me skitz (Skits)
Now I’m in the midst of blitz
On the ride, hangin’ out the side my whip, trip
People always talkin’ ‘bout what they gon’ come and do to me but it don’t mean shit
[Bridge: samples of Twisted Insane's verse]
Murder with a passion
I be choppin' when they want it like an onion
Murder with a passion
(Now I'm 'onna murder with a passion, murder with a whip, murder)
Murder with a passion
I be choppin' when they want it like an onion
Murder with a, murder with a, murder with a passion
(Now I'm 'onna murder with a passion, now I'm 'onna murder with a chopper, chopper)
[Chorus: Ruffian Rugged]
A so we chop it like a onion
Chop it like a onion
A so we chop it like a onion
[Verse 3: Ruffian Rugged]
Governor picking a mic inna party a venom a kill em a booth
9milimeter assimilating a parlament like I‘m Booth
Wannabe-chopper jelly, Governor ciame fi the crown with a proof
Talkin a Makin em breakin em up inna particles, a nuh truth
Dem say: "governor stutter", I-man a chopper, uno a spoof
Dem seh I-man a fakin or „not pon the rythm“ but i-man a zeus
Governor pickin a mic inna party mi 9milimeter assimilate anybody whe
Deh pon the riddim sloppy, they wanna be venom or cru...
Anybody gwaan like him the big name
Governor mi get up, gottaa put em in a squid game
Anybody gwaan like they bun capitalism like ´em are F-ing the system
But dem a sell out fi the quick fame
Anybody gwaan like em a „nuh get anything“ but dem a quoting me anytime me say deh ya pon dem diss-take
Anybody wanna be the one but them a nuh „Insane“
Governor Rugged a step pon the Mic and the riddim I gonna go eat „BRAIN“
Technically nobody fuckin deh with the Art of War
And some a dem are faking, their loyalty a tug-a-war
Dem walkin on marbles and dem a stuck inna bubbles
Before dem fuckin wid governor better "Dalgona Candy" with umbrella
Told dem a mumbler whe go talkin like a Salasa
I turn a body bluer than Pandora in Avatar
Pardon me, I body anybody
Friends are using me as stepping stone...
I turn em a stone to lookin like a fuckin Medusa
Anybody packin the Mac inna back a the van like Eliot Anderson
(welcome to Shellington)
But a nobody be blasting a gat, except pon the cam like Pamela Anderson
Dem bwoy a suck with the arms, uno better be Slenderman
I be deadin a veteran, anywhere man a batter and
Man a pickin a mic inna party
Governor Turn em a Shinigami
Gi dem a Funeral Bell a ring
Tinkin of "Sicka the bag a the fucker they thinkin of breakin a record"
I make it immaculate
Governor pickin a mic inna party go merk anybody, go renegade!
Tempo now come in
I’m tinkin a makin a macchato-mocca to makin a duppy
Debunkin a fucka to breakin a record
I make it, I may get laid
Go! merkin a murda, mi chop it like a onion
[Chorus: Ruffian Rugged]
And so we chop it like a onion
Chop it like a onion
And so we chop it like a onion
[Bridge: samples of Twisted Insane's verse]
[Verse 4: Dumanoid]
Roughin’ ‘em up with Ruffian Rugged
Cuttin' ‘em up like the mafia does it
Chop with the tongue and stomp on the sluggish
No mumble, it’s coffee, no cough syrup on it
Itt a golyószóró flow szószólója
Nem egy slow mo folyó szósz, so-so nóta
Beteg kórokozó kombó szorzója
Ez a no-go, nem a korzózó zóna!
Van ugye az a Maslow-piramis: az alap
Az a vitamin, a kaja, de nekem iram is az alatt
Így a tempó presto! Rímmasina szava
Mi ma hasít: könnyű „falat“… Sima liba zaba
Kell a szillabika-dara, bika dinamika tana!
Let‘s go, kilapítalak, a csiga-biga salak!
Lehetsz kópia-penge, de vágod, ez igazi katana!
Minden rímpár ipari paripa, RIP a ripacs alak!
Random a tag, otthon matat: automata lantom a tongue
Hadova, de a dobot ha betámadom, adom a tant
Hantavató hadam, mint a NATO-ban a katona, tank
Ha dobhatom, a duma “doom”, a “tomato”-m atom attak!
Ultimátum: ha témát a látogató latolgatja!
Flash, mint az Adobe, de ha fut, a progi: fagy oldala…
Csillagos ég a vég, ha ég a rakéta-hajtóanyag
Akarom mondani, koffein a rangért a hatóanyag!
Jobbára üldözöm a balszerencsét
Becsap a becsavarodott agytekervény!
Auf Wiedersehen! De nem megy el a hangom
Mert gyorsabb a szám, mint a hangsebesség!
Ess szét, nyes a pen game, ez a pengém!
Max Payne, a te verzéd ide refrén!
Press play, kitör a vihar a fejemben, "choppa"-dék extrém!
Chemtrail: húzom a csíkot a fonématengerem mentén!
Kár bár, mire megy áriám, sikerem ábránd
S kálvária, mi vár rám ezen a pályán
Sztárgyár, igazi már-már soha nem áll rá
De táplál, ha iromány ékes, a piromán éghet a máglyán!
Lány pörög, ha csöpög a nyál, csömör, ám ökör a bárgyú!
Lám, lököm a lüke dumát, öröm, ha dörög az ágyúm
Tár kifogy-e? Minigun ász, örök, ha lövök! A száj
Ha be nem áll, török a falakon át, hiába tömör a gát, BUMM!
Celebikonok a gyerekidolok
Kellenek emotikonok, ha vannak kerek idomok
Kinyír a szellemi nyomor, a “hóra gyere ki” dolog
És ugyan égeti magát a muki, de fekete befedi korom!
Én amúgy nem akarom játszani a zenei sznobot
A cél, hogy reakcióvideóra legyen is okod, ha fogod!
Dörög az ég? Ugyan, csak a belem, mi korog
De ne félj, soha nincs a terítéken mezei pocok!
Finom a fonéma, fenem a fogam, mily elemózsia
Kenem, ha nem is a kenyerem keresi, de melódia
Énem, a génem, a vénába égeti be genom, mi ha
Monomán ima, nem money-ra mondom, mi e meló díja!
Fenomén, így ha fonom a kódom, a fogó teketória!
Niemand, de rímen a mon ami xenomorph, fenemód igaz:
Eminem a fanom, a spanom a Venom, hegemónia!
Denem a nevem, e zenebona feketemágia ceremónia!
(Finish him!)
Megannyi munka, de fakad a vakerom, móka, nem iga, de megöl a vak iram!
Ikonom égető fokon a miki, rím: megírom, magolom, ugatom makira!
Pakolom még ide meg oda, míg időm engedi, megadom okod a boogie-ra!
Függeni fog a nép, akár a mokira, baka, de béke nem akad e mukira!
Megunom ugyan a Pacot, a Biggie-t, ám akarom megint a ‘Pakinamac’-et
Ím, baki nem akad, ha megölöm őket, a mikin a bagatell fake elemeket!
Te fogod a fejed, a pokol a mogulom, aki nem okul, a bogara makula
Fakul a fekete? Mikor a figura bekeni, vaker a mikire pakura!
[Bridge: samples of Twisted Insane's verse]
[Verse 5: Fate]
Ruffian mit dem uptempobeat für die massenhysterie
Liegt die waagschale tief zwischen hass oder liebe beim choppen auf beats
Hast du keine guten karten in dem spiel
Und glaub mir bitte die details werden pikant
Doppelte packerl im medizinschrank
Also gönne mir da bitte nur ein minimum an zeit und ich zünde den fucking benzintank
Bitte bitte bitte bars
Alle vernebelt im eigengeruch
Treiben im eigenen saft und im eigenen dunst
All die kindergarten modekinder wollen party aber kommen dann nur mit negativen energien und vibes in der luft
Gib mir bass
Ba- ba- ba- bass (ha?)
Jetzt kickt der baba paar bars (ja)
So viele von den bodybuildern geben den macker sind nur pickende dicke brocken wie die barbapapas
Yo, folgendermaßen
Alle deine mitarbeiter wollen mittlerweile mit der minimalen millimeter-gun an moneymoney
Geben aber dabei nur die bieder benebelte wiederbelebung der wiederbetätigung in negativem maß
Schau wie wir die kletteraffen kill'n
Während sie in hängematten chill'n
Bange machen gilt nicht –
Banger machen gilt!
(immer wieder ba!)
[Verse 6: Sabotahe]
Dilang matatalas talagang tumataga ang kataga
Na tila parabang katana winasiwas
Sa kabilisan ay parang bala mga bara sapol
Kana bago palang babalaking makaiwas
Kolabo ng mga matutulin dalubhasa lalo
Pang lumalakas sa panahon na lumilipas
Sa buong mundo Sabotahe pangalan
Ng makatang kumatawan sa Pilipinas!
Handa ka ba sa mga buka ng mga labi na parang makina talaga na
Walang wag makatigil sa mga buga kapag sinimulan ko na makidada sa
Kalaban na talaga naman hindi na makalamang sa mga dalubhasa nakalikha
Ng mga bulalakaw na mga talata…
Sa matagal na panahon ay balikan na kung sino ba ko sa paraan na talaga
Naman na walang makaunawa sa kabilisan ng mga tula ko sinabi
Sakin na walang kabuluhan ang salita ko na walang maunawaan
Sa kabila ng mga lait dina napanghinaan napasakin na ang mga di makitaan
Pa ng iba na may tangan ng mga pinakatanging istilo ko
Dalubhasa na makata na may tangang titulo
Sa kabilisan ng mga tula talaga naman hindi na maabutan
Ng mga "nag apura, di na mauna, sa paran kona, di na mabura,"
Ginawa ko di na magawa ng mga sikat nyong idolo
Talaga naman sa paraan na ganito'y bagsak
Pinalaglag pinalagpak sa lapag
Nakapag nag mamataas
Lagabag, binalagbab binabalibag tinibag
Nakapag nag mamatigas
Pag pumalag pa't nag panggap matatag
Talagang nag mamalakas
Pagkat idinagdag, sa mga duwag na nabahag
Buntot di makapag angas
Sa Onion Choppa motherfucking Sabotahe
Ng Pilipinas!
(Finish him!)
[Verse 7: Crucified]
Murder when i’m sackin' ‘em all and i’m bringing it wicked
I’m back and i’m making it wicked, I make ‘em panic now
They’re seeking and looking, i’m passing them, fucking ‘em up when i’m bringing it back
And i be attacking ‘em, making it fast and i’m coming and
Breaking ‘em off and taking ‘em out while i’m wicked and taking a break
Walkin' up out of a coffin I'm breakin' 'em off when I make it immaculate choppin' 'em
Fucking ‘em hacking and packing ‘em then I’m bout to murder then i be coming to get ‘em, then they be thinking i’m wicked and sick, and i came up then picking ‘em off when they’re thinking i’m bringing it wicked i’m making ‘em panicking often when nobody got a reason to fuck with the
Murder when i'm back and i’m making it back in a circular path and i’m breakin em off into particle, a sinner breakin ‘em off when i’m wicked and passin ‘em, fucking em all up bringing the best, I’m murking em making it quick and i’m fast
How many coming to pull up i’m sure i’ll be coming and breaking ‘em off but they thinking they gonna be coming in worse while im fucking em up while i’m making a scene and i’m making it sick i’m making a ritual bout to be coming when i’m official making a fist and i’m leaving em maimed, they coming in thinking i’m mortal bitch i’m taking ‘em, bucking and fucking ‘em all while i make it official
I’m taking the record and breaking ‘em all when i’m murking ‘em, chopping ‘em taking ‘em out make ‘em breaking ‘em all and i’m making ‘em run when i’m making the money, get making ‘em run taking it wicked i look and there’s somebody coming i’m making it quick and i’m faster they thinking i’m making it sick and i’m passin ‘em, make ‘em be taking a break and i’m back and i’m hacking and packing ‘em, when i’m bout to murder, fucking ‘em, bringing it back and i’m chopping ‘em, breaking their back and i’m fucking ‘em up when i’m bringing it fast and i fuck it up, taking it fast and they comin’ up fussing, they suck and i’m a sinner, making em pissed and run, make it immaculate, take it and buckin it, make a buck and i'm sick and
I’m fucking ‘em up and i put em all in body coffins, smoking the guns and they coming up busting i got it, taking and playing ‘em coming and chopping they coming i’m breaking ‘em off when chopping i’m making it fast, i make it they coming i’m bout’ to be let ‘em get em all to mopping, Do what i wanna, be drinking a bottle, be taking and murdering then i’ma get ‘em and then i massacre them then i’ma get ‘em i’m taking ‘em all when i’m thinking they’ll rush, I’m bout to murder them while i’m breaking ‘em off when i let em be chopped and not be giving a fuck and i’m bout’ to be chopping, obliterate ‘em, murder breaking ‘em all, gonna do what i please and they thinking i’m wicked i’m breaking a building I'm bringing it wicked i murder ya, sick when I massacre they gonna be running i’m coming to get ‘em a syllable then i be breaking a building we’re gonna be doing it, coming up back on the mic and i’m breaking the records then i’m bout to begin to be coming and bringing the heat, burn ‘em all but i’m murking ‘em begin to feast on ‘em, most of em forget i break ‘em to pieces, i make it, i’m lurking ‘em, and i be taking ‘em, put ‘em in coffins, I murder ya, taking it wicked I find ‘em all, turning fuckers into particles, spitting it fast and i’m bout’ to be chopping a bitch, letting anyone who want it wicked come but I gon’ chop at ‘em, body coffin ‘em, murdering then I be coming and breaking em, pulling my trigger i get ‘em and then i be done, pull up on ‘em when I come for them, coming to get em, but then I be sick and I’m following
Thinking i’m close and I might get up near ‘em, making ‘em panic, i’m wicked and sick when I massacre when i go murder be shooting ‘em breakin ‘em all when i’m breakin ‘em off when I pull up and get ‘em thinking i’m on em but I’m bout’ to murder with an unforgettable flow, pull up then i be choppin a syllable, talk like they’re bigger they coming i’m bout’ to be breakin the record i’m breaking them all when i’m breaking ‘em off on a fucking bitch
[Chorus: Ruffian Rugged]
And so we chop it like a onion
Chop it like a onion
And so we chop it like a onion
And so we chop it like a onion
Chop it like a—