Truly Golden
I wait for her to speak for me
The rule is truly golden
I am spoken for

A drifting day on my own
He does chastise these bones
And he gives a woman's touch
A drifting day alone
He does chastise his own
He gives a woman's touch

We are all pleased to dwell
With me, with me
Out of their goodness
And over my head
Burning coals of kindness
Over my head, over my head

I spin with the world
But it is no help to me
I sleep in this chair like a stone
A yellow flower has grown
He does chastise his own love
He gives a woman's touch

To spin with the world
It is no help to me
I walk the creaking floors of this home
Where a yellow flower has grown
It's his love is shown
He gives a woman's touch