El Muerte
Raw force, the nature's law
Is raging, heat, and flash storms are getting more
Cause for the red alert!
The angry planet earth cries in pain, she's getting hurt
Dark ages are to come
Men falling one by one
She's breaking free, she's taking over
She's growing wild like in ancient times
Primeval scenes, the worst infernos
The years of mankind on earth decline

Fall, ex, implodе, decay
To die is our way, now you see, it's time
Losе all material things
The angels spread their wings to leave and to resign
Dark ages are to come
Men falling one by one
No more restraint for all this power
The max of growth, max of everything
Primeval scenes, the worst infernos
No fences, streets, borders, anything

Rivers will rise and the bridges will break
Giant-floods will occur, we disappear
Tremor of ground till the buildings collapse
Epidemics and dying-off, reign of fear
Mountains will burst, streams of lava will flow
Avalanches arrive, no sense to run
Heaven gets dark, ashes float in the air
Rain is poisoned, the eternal winter comes
Dark ages are to come
Men falling one by one
No more restraint for all this power
The max of growth, max of everything
Primeval scenes, the worst infernos
No fences, streets, borders, anything
El Muerte!