Prey WITH (not) LYRICS (Extended)
[SONIC, spoken]
Jeez, I haven't seen any animals for miles...
Robuttnick must be workin' overtime...

[FURNACE, spoken]

[SONIC, spoken]
Huh? Do I smell... smoke?

If you think I'll let the doctor down
That's a mistake that'll end fatally

Race me if you wanna see the ground
Up in your sensors, don't mess with me

Cover you in ninth degree burns, take a turn for the worst
I'm hard wired to win
Gotta texture up your skin

I'm not doing prey with lyrics, yeah that's right (Still won't?)
Still won't, no matter what you say
Don't like it, not worth delay

Just think of the views
This song is popular, it's worth it, right?
Everyone would like it
And you have the skills to sing
I make my content for fun
With this song I wouldn't have none
Just respect my choicе
And please pipe down about prеy

You're doing all of the rest
And forget about the best?
I love prey so so much
Please reconsider

There's like a million songs
I'm skipping out on more than one
Not beating this dead horse
And harassment, we can't endorse

[SONIC, spoken]
Seems like that guy couldn't take no for an answer... Hey, tell me there's at least one sensible person around here!

[STARVED, spoken]
You don't even know your fate, lyricist...
*Lots of unnecessary evil laughter*

The only thing I feed is my own desire
Feeding from ashes of a fallen empire
If you want this song so bad then find another
Version because this is one thing I won't cover

[STARVED, spoken]
Oh sorry didn't know that

[SONIC, spoken]
Oh... you're... good then...
I'm still not doing prey though