Converge & Chelsea Wolfe
Tongues Playing Dead
No breath
Just blinding fog
No step
Just grinding slog

Tongues in our mouths
Playing dead
Let 'em rot out of our heads

No breath
Just blinding fog
No step
Just grinding slog

Tongues playing dead

No wheel
Just broken cogs
No meal
Just beaten dogs

Tongues in our mouths
Playing dead
Let 'em rot out of our heads

Tongues in our mouths
Playing dead
Let 'em rot out of our heads
We go silent
So, so silent, we go silent
It's so quiet
So, so quiet, it's so quiet

We go silent
So, so silent, we go silent
Playing dead, playing dead
It's so quiet
So, so quiet, it's so quiet

Playing dead, playing dead
Tongues playing dead

Tongues in our mouths
Playing dead
Let 'em rot out of our heads

Tongues in our mouths
Playing dead
Let 'em rot out of our heads

Let 'em rot out of our heads
Tongues playing dead
Let 'em rot out of our heads
Tongues playing dead
Tongues playing dead