Sussus Moogus (vs. Impostor v4 Remaster) WITH LYRICS
Stubborn minds will get you nowhere
Doesn’t matter, not like I care
I must hide among the lost crew
Now stuck on a cooldown here with you
You came by and we grew worried
Heard your murder, left, felt hurried
I know the work you do is dirty
But we’ll flee and live another day
(Red - BF secondary)
You’ve been alone, refuse departing
Super sus actions call for a meeting
Pin it on you two, both get outsmarted
Fear the fire, or to the crew come clean
(We are dating)
No one will listen to sputtering
Words drenched in lies, so stop the muttering
Why can’t you see, that you’re whole plan is flawed
Sooner or later you will be caught
Time winds down, feel her death closer
Corpse's temperature gets colder
You’ll have no choice but to submit
So I think it’s best you don’t resist
We won’t go down without a fight
I have demons, you have lost time
I’ll escape defeat and despite
Your intimidation, we’ll survive
(Red - BF secondary)
Your false hope is what keeps you going?
But as time dwindles, blood will start flowing
Taking my time, playing with my bounty
Can’t betray the ones counting on me
(This time
Is the night
You’ll face
You’ll feel the pain your bringing
To your own pride, you continue clinging
And while you’re here, we’ll keep up the singing
Till you feel the heat stinging your bones
Down your spine you're feeling chills
Doom nears the present, wait for the kill
Clock to tick tock striking naught, still
You’ll be filled and you’ll spill lead
Oh, shut up
I’m brave until the end
Until we die I’m gonna defend
Our sanity and our live flesh
You’ll soon rest, by the heat, dead
(Red - Bf secondary)
You struggled to keep it
I insist
Listen to my warning or that's it
(Murder put to rest)
(BF - Red secondary)
What’s this new scheme?
Are you trying to team
To trick me
You’re mistake thinking I’d believe
(Boy, you should listen)
(Red - BF secondary)
How about we negotiate?
Do not snitch on me and
I’ll leave you both as clean slates. Deal?
(How can we trust that bait)
(BF - Red secondary)
Perhaps it’s a deal then
As long as you leave my girl alive
I’ll make sure your secret’s mine
(Now I must trust you)
(Red - BF secondary)
If I spare you
I can fulfill my desire?
(Have my permission)
You have my word
We’ll make sure no one gets burned
In the fire
No more need for hiding
We’ll depart from each other
This won’t be recited!
If she’s safe, I’m silent
I’m a good boy, not defiant
Us three will triumph
We'll survive this night
You’re strong and courageous
Whether or not I'd be named a fraud
Unlikely formed partners
Departure is my goal
So let us carry on
You've aided me greatly
I'll make sure
Anyone who stands before you drops
The burden has rotted
You have no clue, you’ve relieved a lot
The stars high above us
Make me think
Completing my mission is a must
Pacified from your rage
I feel sane
Knowing that we both had flipped the page
While people suspect me
I trust you to wipe them clean
Of that memory
I got it
No worries
I'll remove
Their distrust and prove to them your clean
Manifest my dream