Edward Elgar
The Heart of Canada
Because her heart is all too proud
-- Canada! Canada! fair young Canada --
To breathe the might of her love aloud
Be quick, O Motherland!
Because her soul is wholly free
-- Canada kneels, thy daughter, Canada --
England, look in her eyes and see
Honour and understand
Because her pride at thy masthead shines
-- Canada! Canada! -- queenly Canada
Bows with all her breathing pines
All her fragrant firs
Because our isle is little and old
-- Canada! Canada! -- young-eyed Canada
Gives thee, Mother, her hands to hold
And makes thy glory hers
Because thy Fleet is hers for aye
-- Canada! Canada! -- clear-souled Canada
Ere the war-cloud roll this way
Bids the world beware
Her heart, her soul, her sword are thine
-- Thine the guns, the guns of Canada! --
The ships are foaming into line
And Canada will be there