Edward Elgar
Windlass Song
Heave at the windlass! — Heave O, cheerily, men!
Cheerily, men!
Heave all at once, with a will!

The tide quickly making
Our cordage a-creaking
The water has put on a frill
Heave O! Heave O! Heave O! Heave O!

Once in blue water — Heave O, cheerily, men!
Cheerily, men!

Blow it from north or from south;
She’ll stand to it tightly
And curtsey politely
And carry a bone in her mouth
Heave O! Heave O! Heave O! Hеave O!

One other turn now! Hеave O, cheerily, men!
Cheerily, men!

Heave, and goodbye to the shore!
Our money, how went it?
We shared it and spent it;
Next year we’ll come back with some more
Heave O! Heave O! Heave O! Heave O!