Nigpro Podcast Ep. 1: Homo Beginnings
Hydracoque: Welcome, everybody, to the Nigpro Podcast episode one! Hell yeah, I am Hydracoque, also known as DJ Dangle Dick. And I'm with my n***a right here…

Lil Prostate: Lil Prostate.

Hydracoque: Hell fucking yeah, that's right, Lil Prostate is back to bang!

Lil Prostate: If— I have multiple voices, like, a-and multiple personalities, and, like, it just really gets to me sometimes, like, sometimes I turn into a gay n***a, sometimes I turn into a high-pitched gay n***a, and sometimes I turn into a low-pitched gay n***a, and sometimes I turn into a sucking dick gay n***a, and sometimes I turn into a sucking balls gay n***a—

Hydracoque: And sometimes the audio waves come out sideways, and sometimes they loop around and they resemble a penis. And sometimes I'm— I'm currently touching myself, I'm fondling m-my penis through my pants right now— [Moans]

Lil Prostate: But if you want me to, I'll totally give a demonstration of some of my voices.

Hydracoque: Oh, yeah, you should, you should. And for those who are not looking at us right now, so you are sitting there, you are fully naked, correct?

Lil Prostate: Well, I actually didn't want to talk about that, but I do have my legs over my head, and… can you see my asshole right now?

Hydracoque: I can't. Let me… let me get closer. [Sniffs]

Lil Prostate: Can you smell it?

Hydracoque: Oh, yeah, it smells delicious. Anyways—

Lil Prostate: It should smell actually pretty bad, I don't know why you said delicious. You're actually pretty freaky, dude.

Hydracoque: Well, it's like marinated. It was probably marinating in, like, cum and booty juice.
Lil Prostate: Actually, it's totally pretty freaky 'cause this totally has truffle butter everywhere.

Hydracoque: N***a, stop playing like you don't love that shit too, we're all f*ggots here. We're all f*ggots here. I'm gonna censor that. Yeah.

Lil Prostate: Back to the topic— Back to the topic at hand. I got my dick in my hand.

Hydracoque: The topic gay hand.

Lil Prostate: But I also am chewing my bussy right now. Like, I'm-I'm hermaphrodite.

Hydracoque: So that's what you're chewing on. Wait—

Lil Prostate: I'm a hermaphrodite. So I, like, have a penis that's like a giant clit, but it's also a bussy. So I have a hole where the bussy is, but I also have an asshole. So, like, I'm a total, like, futanari n***a.

Hydracoque: I'm not gonna lie, that's really turning me on right now. And is that Mario Judah's face that I see on your penis? Or, at least, the shaft part of the—

Lil Prostate: Yeah. The mouth of Mario Judah is actually where the bussy is, and he pees out of his eyes.

Hydracoque: So, on top—

Lil Prostate: Well, actually, my penis pees out of his eyes. But it's actually Mario Judah's head, just because I had a mutation at one point where I listened to too much Mario Judah, and, like, I really wanted to become him. So I sucked him off, got his DNA, got his hair samples, and I was able to grow, like, a fabricated Mario Judah head on my penis.

Hydracoque: Damn. So it's like advanced epigenetics with gay n***a swag? That actually swag.

Lil Prostate: And it became my penis, too. Yeah, it's total gay n***a swag right now.
Hydracoque: Wait, so, like, the red tip that you got that kind of resembled his red hair, like, in the middle of that, is there another hole? What comes out of that hole, if there's a hole that— wait, is there a hole there? Wait, show that to the camera. There's no camera here, but pretend there is.

Lil Prostate: Well, actually, I don't know if there is a hole there 'cause I don't usually touch my penis, I'm usually, like— my gay n***as touch me instead. And then I'll touch their penises, and I'll touch their assholes, but I won't usually touch my own. Like, I'll fist my asshole, but I won't touch my Mario Judah penis. I think it's a little freaky to me, like, it talks back to me sometimes. And then I have—

Hydracoque: Does it get mad at you?

Lil Prostate: Yeah, it gets mad at me. And then I have arguments with it.

Hydracoque: Do they ever get so heated that you just end up beating the shit out of your own penis? Or maybe—

Lil Prostate: Yeah, I beat the shit out of my own penis all the fucking time.

Hydracoque: How does he respond to that? Does he like it? Does he hate it? Does he cum? Does he, fucking—

Lil Prostate: Honestly, I can't even tell because he's, like, crying and cumming at the same time.

Hydracoque: Ha-ha-ha. You gotta love it, man, you gotta love it, man. That's just how it is.

Lil Prostate: I totally love it. Like, I've gotten used to having a Mario Judah for my penis.

Hydracoque: Not gonna lie, I kinda wish I had Mario Judah for my penis, but I do have the Hydracoque mutation. We're all weird ass n***as right here.

Lil Prostate: Hold on, let me look. What does your penis look like?

Hydracoque: Well, right now I have two dicks. Let me just unzip that.
Lil Prostate: Oh yeah. You're Hydracoque, I remember.

Hydracoque: Yeah, so right now I'm rocking two dicks.

Lil Prostate: So, how many dicks do you, like, actually have? 'Cause I had one line that was like: "Hydracoque's in my lil' prostate and my little mouth."

Hydracoque: Yeah, "How Da Gape Go," that's—

Lil Prostate: Yeah, that's the new song that's going to be on my channel.

Hydracoque: For sure. Yung Bals… is that one of your personalities, or are you just mocking another n***a with the Yung Bals? But, yeah, about the number of penises that I have—

Lil Prostate: Well, technically, it is one of my personalities because I listen to hip hop so much that it turns me gay, and it makes me want to fuck all the male rappers.

Hydracoque: For sure, I mean, the genre's inherently homosexual if you think about it.

Lil Prostate: I mean— I— Oh yeah, here— Here, some questions for you. What are your top, maybe, like, three, five, or ten most secretly gay rappers? Mine are Playboi Carti, Mario Judah… Let me think real quick.

Hydracoque: Wait, how many? I can't rea— count.

Lil Prostate: Lil Uzi Vert, and also… Here, that's—

Hydracoque: Lil Juicy Squirt.

Lil Prostate: That's, like, three or four or something. I can barely count with my penis. Or something…

Hydracoque: I think that was, like, seven, but maybe I'm just thinking of more gay shit in my head. Oh, yeah, but the amount of penises that I have. Right now, I just have two of them, but it's, like, every time I chop off one— Well, y'all n***as already know about that shit, but I got two dicks right now, but I might chop off one of them later and I'll have three. But anyways, I do agree with your list. Playboi Carti, he be playin' with boys. I-And I know that personally 'cause I was backstage at one of his opium shows once. Ken Carson and Destroy Lonely, they were doing some weird shit with women. I don't wanna get into that, that would disgust me and I'd have to leave this podcast. But Playboi Carti… I saw him. Well, he was sucking my dick, and, of course, I saw him sucking my dick 'cause he was sucking my dick, and I was also feeling it, and I came all over his face, and it got all over his dreads, and he had to wash it out, and he had to use an industrial grade shampoo, and that wasn't even doing much, and he was crying. But he was also, like, his-his bussy was motherfucking dripping my cum out of it. I-I don't even know how my cum got in his bussy, I must have blacked out. I was also high off fentanyl and crack. Anyways, I do agree with what you said about Playboi Carti.

Lil Prostate: What about Lil Uzi Vert, though? Did you see that one scene where he had, like, red blush and sparkles all over his cheeks?

Hydracoque: I-I did see that.

Lil Prostate: I wish that was on his ass cheeks. Like, I would totally fuck it if it had red blush and sparkles all over his ass cheeks. But it's just—

Hydracoque: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, why doesn't he do that?

Lil Prostate: It's just any other gay n***a. Like, I fuck gay n***as all the time. Like, I don't really want to fuck Lil Uzi Vert unless he's going to really be flamboyant.

Hydracoque: Yeah, he needs a Lil Uzi Invert that bussy into a motherfucking ass shaft so I can suck that shit.

Lil Prostate: I got— I really like that one picture of him where he's wearing all pink, like, with some mesh, and he has— he has a purse, or what these gay n***as call it, is actually a satchel.

Hydracoque: Yeah-ha-ha-ha-ha, satchel. I s— I still cum in the satchel sometimes, and I scoop bits out with my fingers, and I just suck on my fingers in public, and I start moaning, and n***as look at me like I'm crazy and weird or something because I'm not naked when I'm doing it, and usua— Oh my god, the-the one— The way this one n***a looked at me, I came so hard that the entire train had to stop 'cause there was so much cum all over the train. And, like, a literal train, not a metaphorical— I also do the meta— Those kinds of—

Lil Prostate: Do you, like, run trains? Have you ever run a train on Lil Uzi Vert? I did.

Hydracoque: I did too— Wait, maybe you were in the train, it was a dark room.

Lil Prostate: Oh yeah, we did that.

Hydracoque: Yeah, there was a whole lot of red like Playboi Carti, but we fucking—

Lil Prostate: It was very dark, like, there was, like, luminescent blacklights.

Hydracoque: For sure, yeah, luminescent blacklights and luminescent black gay ass n***as fucking this n***a up the ass, and we also— I remember we drilled a hole in-in his taint, like, between his asshole and his urethra, and we fucked that too, but then we— but then we stitched it all up after, we're not gonna leave him like that.

Lil Prostate: Oh yeah, I totally love fucking Uzi Vert, but one other rapper that I know for a fact is gay is Lil Nas X, and I totally, like, this is one of my other questions that I had for you, Hydracoque.

Hydracoque: Yeah, let's see.

Lil Prostate: That was, what are your most, like, rappers that you'd totally have sex with, and mine would totally be Lil Nas X, but he's not my number one. My number one would probably be Drake 'cause he has that BBL Drizzy.

Hydracoque: How the fuck? Your number one is Drake too? N***a, that was gonna be my number one! I love the way— So, here's the thing about Drake, right, it's kind of a mixed opinion on him. He's really fruity and shit, but, like, he's fruity towards women which I can't really fuck with 'cause— That's— I— That's just self-explanatory.

Lil Prostate: Yea, Playboi Carti was a little fruity towards women 'til we had a train on him. Like—

Hydracoque: Yeah, Playboi Carti, we've got him a little bit more of the zone.

Lil Prostate: He's pretty gay for goth women.

Hydracoque: He is, and I— Look, the goth part, I don't care about that. The woman part, that's a bit too far. Drake—

Lil Prostate: Yeah, that's way too far for me.

Hydracoque: Drake is fucking seventy-five percent gay in his heart, but he doesn't want to show that to the world, that's what my opinion is. I think that if his manager was looking the other way, like, touching a little— I'm not gonna get into that. But Drake would probably suck my penis if it wasn't in the public sphere, that-that's my point.

Lil Prostate: Oh yeah, speaking of sucking penis, I'm totally gripping my penis right now, and, as I said before, I have my legs over my head— [Coughs]

Hydracoque: Yeah, you've been keeping them like that for a while, you must be flexible.

Lil Prostate: Yeah, I'm just— [Unintelligible mumbling, then choking and gagging sounds]

Hydracoque: Yeah-hah-hah. Oh shit, that's—

Lil Prostate: Yeah, hold on—

Hydracoque: I really wish the audience could see what you're doing right now. Holy shit.

Lil Prostate: I'm chewing on my bussy right now, too, just give me a second. Here, put the microphone closer, quick.

Hydracoque: All right, let me put it close. I'll put mine close too. Touch tips.

[Chewing and slurping noises go on for ten seconds, changing to loud snorting as Lil Prostate inhales, ending with a loud, high-pitched, autotuned shriek]

Hydracoque: Oh. Oh my god. That was so beautiful. I mi— I might just start crying tears of semen out of my eyes.

Lil Prostate: I think I'm bleeding on my bussy, I chewed it too hard.

[Hydracoque keeps moaning "Oh" in awe]

Lil Prostate: Are you crying? Oh my god. Like—

Hydracoque: Oh sh— Ah. I z— I zoned out for a second here.

Lil Prostate: Oh, oh, you're cumming, okay.

Hydracoque: I think I just transported into another dimension: a dimension of true pleasure. My prostate must have swelled, like, three times its size, shrunk down to the size of a pea as it blasted out all of its fluid, and then plumped back up to its usual default size.

Lil Prostate: Hot. That's-that's so amazing.

Hydracoque: Life is amazing when you're a gay n***a like us, it-it truly— Do you feel bad for heteros sometimes? Sometimes I feel bad 'cause they just don't know.

Lil Prostate: Yea, sometimes I just want to, like, g*****de them.

Hydracoque: Yeah. [Surprised laughter] Oh, we're gonna have to censor that for YouTube. But I— I may or may not agree with that sentiment wholeheartedly and wholetesticularly and wholepeni— every single male— [Laughs] All of the parts of my body, basically. Basically, basically, every single one of the cells that comprises me is gay, and I— I wanna suck this microphone like it's a dick right now. [Sucks microphone]

Lil Prostate: Yeah, I'll suck mine too! [Sucks microphone with Hydracoque]

Hydracoque: I wanna do this more, but I don't think the fans would like that if we did that for twenty-three hours straight. So, I think, as delicious as the foam on this SM7B tastes 'cause it reminds me of my robotic sex doll, another trending topic. Well, not-not so much a trending topic, but… [Long sigh] The fox tail that you're wearing right now, it's trending to my eyesight 'cause I can—

Lil Prostate: Oh yeah?

Hydracoque: Yeah, it's, like, all rainbow-colored, it's just…

Lil Prostate: Yeah, that one. Yeah, uh—

Hydracoque: How did you get that? Is it—

Lil Prostate: Well, I actually got that one from some stupid skank. I, like, pulled it out of her butt, and then she tried to bitchslap me—

Hydracoque: [Burps]

Lil Prostate: But I was like: "This would totally look better on me than it looks on you because, like, I'm a total gay n***a, and, like, n***as would rather fuck me than some stupid ho."

Hydracoque: I ag— I'd rather fuck you for sure, n***a. One— One thing I've noticed—

Lil Prostate: Oh, thank you, but I probably won't do it on s— on podcast.

Hydracoque: Oh no, that's for after the podcast. You have to pay me—

Lil Prostate: Yeah, that's for after. You pay us on our Onlyfans, you can see it.

Hydracoque: Our Onlyf*gs— That's also gonna be censored. Our Onlyf*gs, you only need— you need to donate us a thousand foreskins via carrier pigeon for this pay-per-view right here.

Lil Prostate: Yeah. Also, sell me some—

Hydracoque: And if you— if you try to leak that shit, I'm gonna kill you. I'm personally gonna come to your house, kill you, set your house on fire, and just— give you a fucking funeral using your house, and you're gonna be dead, and I'm gonna be scream-cumming outside, standing outside menacingly, watching the flames just go up in an eternal blaze as I ejaculate so so so much that I actually douse the flames, and then I'll lie on your ashes, I'll lay, roll around in them, and I'll look even blacker than I have ever been… That was a bit of a tangent, I'm sorry about that, I just get a little caught up in my thoughts sometimes. Speaking of thots, bitches are stupid, they ain't even got no dick.

Lil Prostate: Yeah, they are, oh my god. I can't even tell—

Hydracoque: The only bitch that I love is a male when he dressin' up like a bitch. If it's female— fuck women, man, that— not literally, that would be disgusting. But the chromosomes are all outta whack, they don't got penis, they don't got testicles, their-their breasts just look all weird and shit 'cause, like, a man's pecs, those look beautiful, but a woman's breasts? N***a, I want to chop those off and kick her off of a motherfucking cliff. That's just nasty. You feel me?

Lil Prostate: Yeah, I totally feel you, I'm just jerking off right now.

Hydracoque: Oh shit, you're feeling up my thigh right now, oh shit, wait, that was your tail, oh my god, that kinda— [Laughs] That kinda tickled. That-that tickled a lot actually, I haven't been tickled like that for two minutes. Wait, how many minutes has it been? Wait, it's us— No, two days, I got confused between minutes and days again. Sorry, that happens sometimes. Wait, so, I can't read, but can you read?

Lil Prostate: Not that well.

Hydracoque: Are you a— are you literate at all?

Lil Prostate: I'm very illiterate.

Hydracoque: I'm also very illiterate.

Lil Prostate: My grammar is, like, totally retarded, and I'm, like, so retarded that I like retarded people.

Hydracoque: Have you ever fucked someone with Down syndrome so hard that the chromosome fell off again, and then they turn into a normal n***a, and that killed your boner 'cause they're not retarded anymore and that's why you was fucking 'em?

Lil Prostate: Yeah, I fucked, like, ten Down syndrome people, probably more than that at this point, but, like, honestly, they're the most fun to fuck because they don't really know what's going on.

Hydracoque: Yeah, for sure. I mean they're just laughing and having a great time, they're like [Hydracoque's impression of them] That is a verba— That's verbatim what the last one I fu— His name was Mario Judah something, I mean— I think he has Down syndrome. He made my dick go up, he made my bussy hang down, I prolapsed… Oh my god, even thinking about that brings back delicious memories because I slurped out my own prostate fluid [Unintelligible mumbling, excitement noises].

Lil Prostate: Yeah, can you see my prostate right now is actually, like— Can you see my prostate right now? It's actually twenty-four inches long, I just measured it.

Hydracoque: Holy shit. Wait, let me measure it with my tongue real quick.

Lil Prostate: Your tongue doesn't even go all the way— Oh—

Hydracoque: I can confirm that's twenty-four inches. See, I can't count, I can't read, but I can use my other senses to gain that information. Sometimes I scan shit with my prostate once I shove it into my third rectum. And that can tell me the-the truth about anything. So, maybe I can read, just not the usual way. How do you— Does your prostate also do that?

Lil Prostate: I'm not really sure, I'm just chewing on my bussy right now.

Hydracoque: [Laughs] That makes sense. I mean, so, you are technically not one of my clones. I've got my clones Lil Xani Narco Percocet, I've got CRACK/POWDER… I'll get into those in a lore video or some shit, but—

Lil Prostate: Yeah, for "How Da Gape Go," Yung Bals is actually one of my clones, and have you seen—

Hydracoque: He's one of your clones?

Lil Prostate: Yeah, Yung Bans, he's actually impersonating Yung Bals. Yung Bals was actually the original song with "How Da Gape Go," but he's trying to rename it with Yung Bans to "How Da Game Go."

Hydracoque: Yeah, I hate it when these rappers be like— They're ruining our songs for sure, like, they're ruining our songs in the past, too.

Lil Prostate: Exactly, and, like— And mine was first with Yung Bals, like, we totally produced that shit together.

Hydracoque: It was. It was the first, that's why it's in the futures. N***as don't know that that's how time works. But I think that's just because they're stupid and they don't know shit about anything. "I have little brain, I don't know anything." That's my impression of you, n***as. You, n***as, trynna claim like: "Oh, oh, that-that-that— that's a cool parody you did of that song where you take the original lyrics and you make it gay." N***a, that was the original song! They made a straight version of it.

Lil Prostate: Yeah, gay has always been the original.

Hydracoque: It has. We reproduce homosexual— Wait, do you? 'Cause… Wait, so you're not one of my clones, but you are—

Lil Prostate: I reproduce asexually, actually, but I can also produce sexually normally.

Hydracoque: But is it with yourself, but with— Wait, so you can—

Lil Prostate: But sometimes I've s— Well, I can't really reproduce with other people, I just reproduce with myself. But I do have sex with other people. And by people, I mean gay n***as.

Hydracoque: I mean, those are the only people you should consider actual people at this point. I mean, not to be controversial or anything, but gay n***a swag is the most important quality in the universe, and if you don't have that, you might just not be a person.

Lil Prostate: Oh yeah, back to my other voices. I actually have one that's like [Demonstrates high-pitched voice], but I also have one that's like [Demonstraes low-pitched voice], also I have one that's like [Demonstrates deep voice].

Hydracoque: [Laughs] Wait, so, hold up. For some of those voices, I saw your lips moving. For some of them, I saw your Mario Judah mouth on your dick moving. Did some of them come out of, like, your penis?

Lil Prostate: Yeah, some of those voices actually coming out my Mario Judah penis. He actually talks out of his urethra which is his mouth, like, all my parts are connected to Mario Judah's mouth, like, I can pee out of there, I can sing out of there, I can rap out of there, I can shit out of there, I can cum out of there, I can bleed out of there, I can make metal music out of there.

Hydracoque: Tell me, if you were to make the most deranged sound possible outta your penis, what is one of the things that it may sound like?

Lil Prostate: There's quite a few, but one of them may be like [Produces extra-deranged sound out of his Mario Judah penis].

Hydracoque: Hah-hah-hah, yeah, there we fucking go! That is my n***a right there. I am so glad that you have returned from your— What were you doing in the meantime? Were you just exploring other universes, were you having, like— what kind of gay sex was you doin'? 'Cause I know you was havin' lots of gay sex.

Lil Prostate: Well, I've always been from N***aborea, and then I moved, flew, all the way over and crashed down into Earth.

Hydracoque: Yeah.

Lil Prostate: Down in the Gay States of the USA.

Hydracoque: Yeah, for sure, for sure. That's what it is right here. We done recreatin' the entire old world, motherfucker, but we're on planet Anus right now, and I love it. And this is a hollow planet, and— well, of course it is, it's planet Anus.

Lil Prostate: Oh yeah, I forgot you also call it planet Anus, I'm just going by the stupid humanoid term.

Hydracoque: Well, we did recreate a lot of their shit.

Lil Prostate: Like, I'm actually N***aborean, these stupid humanoids, like, they gonna got shit on me.

Hydracoque: Yeah, that's true, that's— I mean, we-we took the best of their shit in their culture, but, like, ours is better. Ours is just way better, but it's similar.

Lil Prostate: Yeah, we be kings and shit, n***a, we are kings.

Hydracoque: Yeah, I mean, we're gonna put this out to the normal human universe in a different timeline 'cause, I mean, we seem to have some listeners there. We have a lot more where we are, but we have some out there, we gotta reach out to y'all. If any of y'all want to come here, if you spin your penis around, do the helicopter for three hours, and then, when you end the helicopter, it is three a.m., you look in the mirror, you scream: "Ni-Nuts! Ni-Nuts! Ni-Nuts!" If you scream that three times while jelqing, a portal will open up, and we will reach out to you. If you can't do that, that's okay, most people can't. If you're a woman, you can't, you definitely can't do that, and that's by design, we don't want you here.

Lil Prostate: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, speaking of helicopter, there's like— I have this one verse for you really quick. Spin my dick like a motherfucking helicopter. Spin your crib like a motherfucking chopper. Spin your block, spin my cock. I'm running around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around in circles. I [?] and [?] I don't [?]. You wanna see my mugshot? Actually, just watch my cumshot. My semen has some spread like a buckshot. Can a n***a afford watching me fuck his n***a? That was a cock shot. Right before I died I said: "Fuck off."

Hydracoque: I can't believe that. [Laughs]

Lil Prostate: Yeah, that was a freestyle right there, that was a total Lil Prostate freestyle.

Hydracoque: Hell yeah. And that be… Oh my god, I can't— Wait, you gotta record that shit, n***a, you gotta put that in a song. But, motherfucker, by the time that this podsc-podcast is out, you're already gonna have a song out there, aforementioned "How Da Gape Go." But really—

Lil Prostate: Yeah, y-y'all better listen to "How Da Gape Go," it's original before "How Da Game Go," it just had to got re-released.

Hydracoque: For sure.

Lil Prostate: It's been re-released because the old one got lost inside my bussy, and I could never find it again, like, I tried to find it, and all these bats and rats, like, flew and drop— ran out of my ass.

Hydracoque: Fun fact: the old one was incredibly autistic and deranged.

Lil Prostate: I think the new one is a lot better.

Hydracoque: But, thankfully, the new one is also incredibly autistic-deranged, but even better.

Lil Prostate: The new one's a lot better.

Hydracoque: So yeah, n***as ain't really missing out on much.

Lil Prostate: It's so autistic, it's so autistic.

Hydracoque: Shit, I just remembered that women still exist in other universes, that disappoint me.

Lil Prostate: Heyo, man. Heyo, man.

Hydracoque: Tell me!

Lil Prostate: Heyo, man.

Hydracoque: Tell me, n***a.

Lil Prostate: I think it's about time that we end this shit.

Hydracoque: Yeah, how many minutes [Unintelligible]?

Lil Prostate: And I'm 'bout to suck a dick, and by that I mean yours.

Hydracoque: Motherfucking— Motherfucker, this is almost twenty-three minutes. N***a, what the hell? N***a, what the hell?!

Lil Prostate: I told you, n***a, I told you.

Hydracoque: Yeah. [Snorting and moaning]

Lil Prostate: Now, let's get Lil Prostate out of here, and… And just let me—

Hydracoque: Ah, I just spontaneously ejaculated!

Lil Prostate: God damn it, I was gonna suck you off first.

Hydracoque: N***a, you can suck me off again, you know I recharge quickly.

Lil Prostate: No, I gotta escort Lil Prostate outta here, and then we'll be on our way. And for all you gay n***as out there, we'll be sucking cock right after this podcast.

Hydracoque: Hell fucking yeah, we gon' fuck each other in the ass bloody style all over the motherfucking [Unintelligible] n***a, I'm fucking gay, n***a, I'm fucking gay, n***a, I'm fucking gay, n***a, I'm fucking homosexual, I like [Unintelligible].

Lil Prostate: [Sharp scream]

Hydracoque: Ouchie, man!

Lil Prostate: Ouchie, man.

Hydracoque: Ouchie. Goodbye.