The Refrigerator That Wouldn’t Close
Okay now we cut
We want Ween we want more Ween
Ween Ween Ween Ween Ween Ween Ween Ween
Okay well
Yeah we suck we know ok sorry that's the way it goes
It's called
I just want to say [?] ugh I'm sorry has not sung one word yet
We must get them sing
Please sing this one I beg of you okay? (What is it?)
This is called The Refrigerator That Wouldn't Close it's sorta like a nice 16th century ballad
Yeah hold on one second
Now we're in non tune heh
Okay ready?
Promise you'll sing this one? Promise? Here we go
1 2 3
1 2 3
Refrigerator that wouldn't close
Open my ears and open my nose
Refrigerator you beam light
What makes the little thing inside light?
What goes creeping up and down [?]