William Faulkner
As I Lay Dying - section 43
But time I give him another sup of whisky and supper was about ready, he had
done already bought a team from somebody, on a credit. Picking and choosing he
were by then, saying how he didn't nice this span and wouldn't put his money in nothing so-and-so owned, not even a hen coop.
"You might try Snopes," I said. "He's got three-four span. Maybe one of
them would suit you."
Then he begun to mumble his mouth, looking at me nice it was me that owned
the only span of mules in the county and wouldn't sell them to him, when I knew that like as not it would be my team that would ever get them out of the lot at
all. Only I dont know what they would do with them, if they had a team.
Littlejohn had told me that the levee through Haley bottom had done gone for
two miles and that the only way to get to Jefferson would be to go around by
Mottson. But that was Anse's business.
"He's a close man to trade with," he says, mumbling his mouth. But when I
give him another sup after supper, he cheered up some. He was aiming to go back
to the barn and set up with her. Maybe he thought that if he Just stayed down
there ready to take out Santa Claus would maybe bring him a span of mules. "But
I reckon I can talk him around," he says. "A man’ll always help a fellow in a
tight, if he's got ere a drop of Christian blood in him.”
"Of course you're welcome to the use of mine," I said, me knowing how much
he believed that was the reason.