William Faulkner
As I Lay Dying - section 50
When I went to find where they stay at night, I saw something They said, "Where is Darl? Where did Darl go?"
They carried her back under the apple tree.
The barn was still red, but it wasn't a barn now. It was sunk down, and the red went swirling up. The barn went swirling up in little red pieces, against the sky and the stars so that the stars moved backward.
And then Cash was still awake. He turned his head from side to side, with sweat on his face.
"Do you want some more water on it, Cash?" Dewey Dell said.
Cash's leg and foot turned black. We held the lamp and looked at Cash's foot and leg where it was black.
"Your foot looks like a nigger's foot, Cash," I said. "I reckon we’ll have to bust it off," pa said. "What in the tarnation you put it on there for," Mr Gillespie said.
"I thought it would steady it some," pa said. "I just aimed to help him."
They got the flat iron and the hammer. Dewey Dell held the lamp. They had to hit it hard. And then Cash went to sleep.
"He's asleep now," I said. "It cant hurt him while he's asleep."
It just cracked. It wouldn't come off.
"It'll take the hide, too," Mr Gillespie said. "Why in the tarnation you put it on there. Didn't none of you think to grease his leg first?"