I'm drowning in this mud again, I don't want to see anyone, I just want to be alone (alooone)
[Verse 1]
Don't make me do some shit, now everything will be solved, I was ashamed of the pathos, I threw these bad pills into myself, it's getting worse and worse in my soul from the memories of these
[Chorus 1]
I want to be alone again, but you all are bothering me again, don't offer your fucking money, I'm in abundance close your mouths and calm down because you won't get anything anyway
I hate you all, I hate your laughter why don't you all go fuck yourself, I'll be waiting for you in hell bitches, bring you to a breakdown breakdown again, in this life no one loved me the way they are, everyone just wants benefits, so why live like this? you laugh without even thinking about the consequences of that rabble of bastards, do not offer a fee for the benefit you are already so mercantile that you can ask me for free
[Chorus 2]
Throw yourself off, hang yourself, drown yourself, you will kill yourself even if you don't get hooked on these drugs, these people are destroying themselves, rope and soap are your only way out of these, but there is only a catch problems need to be solved by yourself or get slapped in the face for them
I'm drowning in this mud again, I don't want to see anyone, I just want to be alone