Universe Narrows
Trouble Free Zone
Around me there must be, an all enveloping eyeball
Its under, and over too
Made entirely of the green sea
It’s head over shoulders, where directions lose meaning

It ain’t safe to go out too far
Don’t go beyond the flags, or the whistle blows
Into the air, into the waves
A trouble free zone

Around me there must be, an all envеloping eyeball
It’s head ovеr shoulders, where directions lose meaning

It ain’t safe to go out too far
Don’t go beyond the flags, or the whistle blows
Into the air, into the waves
A trouble free zone

Floating not only makes you feel weird on land
But it affects the way we sleep and dream
Probably that’s why, float tanks are so popular
In California
Around me there must be, an all enveloping eyeball
Its under, and over too
Made entirely of the green sea
Green sea, green sea, green sea