Fuck it Saeko going numo
I'll crack you like a rumo
I’ll smash head like a zoomo
I'll crash it like a roomba
Oh fuck it your face is fucked a tumor
Saeko going numo
I'll fuck your face in zero
Puke bitch and smile for the show
Pick up the pace
Slash your face
With a razor blade
Not so nice
When you play the game
Not so nice
When your eyes are out
Shut wide open
I’ll make you see my world
My face
My heart
(John Carcer)
You can see it all in my own mind
I'll give you a day trip
Down in my underworld
Your bashed
Skull cracked
Ribs smashed
Legs gone
Sawn off with a blade
That's a new chunk for the freezer
New dinner watch me eat your inners
That's a new form of submission
Now I will make you my weapon
Snuff em out Johnny boy
Fuck it Saeko going numo
I'll crack you like a rumo
I'll smash head like a zoomo
I'll crash it like a roomba
Oh fuck it your face is fucked a tumor
Saeko going numo
I'll fuck your face in zero
Puke bitch and smile for the show
Pick up the pace
Slash your face
With a razor blade
Not so nice
When you play the game
Not so nice
When your eyes are out
Shut wide open